If anyone has any articles i can look at online to help me i would appreciate it?
When i get really low + overwelmed I have a tenduncy to masterbate to self sooth me. This, in turn, leads to intense shame and paralysis. When i was a child of 9ish I was sexualy minded and had sexual experienses with an adult - i dont know witch came first.... My sexuality or what hapened with my uncle so its hard to understand if i was abused or a willing participunt or not?!? From then ive always associatud my self plesure as shameful even tho ive found it so addictive and used it to cope with pain ever since i was a child. When ive done it, i get so low that i feel i cant motivate myself without help + support from others (indirect support, i dont tell them about how masterbation triggurs me). When it happuns, i dont work or go out or do anythin. I often call in sick as I feel so wurthless inside and feel i cant be around anyone dew to feeling so shameful inside π. For instance, these past 3 days ive done nothing all becos I saw a woman at the pool i fought wus goodlookn and at night 3 days ago i masturbated. It set off a deep depression. I dont use pornography. I dont like it. Instead, its just my imagination that i use i.e. a good looking woman in a film i saw etc. But the resulting shame/guilt can feel so intense and powerful. The shame just leeds to a grater desire for more sexual comfort and i can feel so traped in a cycle of 'self abuse' and self loathing. Im young (23) and never had sex, but the shame of masturbating is ruining my life. I dont work, have friends, exercise or go out all becos I feel so.ashamed.πππ Do u understand? Pleese help?