There is an issue going on with my health insurance in that I have none of my own and that my . . . what do we call a previous spouse but still legally married? Anyway, it has been difficult to get the appropriate paperwork done so that I can have the insurance through him.
So, finding a therapist sounded like a hard thing to do. Luckily, I went with an online app therapy place. I'm sure others have heard of it on YouTube or TV or podcasts. I went ahead and got it set up. It worries me because of funds but right now, I'm sitting okay with my recent paycheck and I will be working my butt off in the coming two weeks.
My first interview is Wednesday and I'm hoping something will happen. It's not my top idea of a job, but I'm not going to complain. I want to be able to provide and be someone. These are just two steps I've made.
So much more to do, but I have this.