Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD has been beating me for years & all this time I kept blaming myself, constantly beating myself up about it. I still do. Just to give a quick summary of my life:
*I am 19(soon to be 20)
*I live with my mom
*I don't get out
*I don't have a job
*I don't have an ID
*I don't have a license
*I don't have insurance
*I barely leave my room
Almost every time I have the opportunity to go out, I choose not to.
Every time I try to make plans for myself, say I'm going to do this or that, it never happens. I just let everybody down, along with myself. I don't know what to do anymore because nothing ever follows through & apparently I'm the only one to blame. Everyone thinks it's all me so it's hard for me believe that Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD are the reasons & not just me as a person. Little things scare & overwhelm me so I want to break down a lot. I don't even know what to do anymore. I feel like I need therapy again, but as I said before I don't have insurance & don't know much about getting it. I'm open for tips or suggestions on what I should do, but nothing has helped me yet.