I’m new here and I’m struggling with anxiety everyday. I don’t know what else to do I’ve tried medication, counseling, meditation, exercise, diet, and prayer. I hope this community is active because it feels a little better reaching out. Any kind words are helpful.
Relentless Anxiety: I’m new here and I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Relentless Anxiety

Thanks a lot. My thoughts are often racing and changing from one thing to another with no rhyme or reason. A lot of regret and feelings of failure or deep feelings of loneliness. It’s tough to focus on one thing and be in the moment.
BetterMeToday, you may seem to have covered all bases but wonder why
it doesn't work. But do you believe in those things? Do you accept Anxiety or
do you fight each and every day?
Anxiety happens when our mind is overwhelmed with negative thoughts.
It seems to jump from one issue to another. We seem to have no control over it.
But we do have control and we can have control. Everything we do in our day must
work together. From our medication, counseling and all the other tools we use.
When meditating, they must be more than words, they must be a belief that it is
possible to change our life. Somewhere deep inside our solar plexus are the nerves
that feed our brain and body. The Mind/Body Connection is intricately intertwined.
When we take medication we feed only the brain. Counseling does the same. However,
when we Meditate (if done properly with practice) we feed the entire body, mind and soul.
That's where the inner peace and calm will come from. After intense meditation, you should
be able to reach a deep inner peace that you can pull from whenever you need it. Namaste my friend xx
I wonder, are there any specific thoughts that are creating the anxiety, or is it one of those things where you have anxiety symptoms without any discernable cause? Sometimes, it's necessary to see where the anxiety is coming from and to assess the thoughts that are creating it.
The thoughts are random but for the most part the thoughts are associated with feelings of failure or not being in as good as I once was. I sit and assess the thoughts as they come but it seems like an endless cycle.
Well, I wonder what makes you feel like you've failed or that you're not as good as you once were. I wonder if there's some kind of thought underlying those thoughts.
I used to be an artist, musician and a song writer. I used to have a sense of humor and quick wit. Now a days I feel slow and unfocused. I’m adjusting meds and feeling a little more normal today, I just hope it lasts and gets better
I'm glad to hear your medication adjustment is making you feel better. Do you still do art and music at all? When did you stop?
I don’t draw anymore at all but I stopped writing and making music about 4 years ago when I started my recovery.
Do you think you could start again? You might have to rebuild some skills, but it's never too late to start again, if that's what you want...
You are a winner , we are all born winners!! We have to learn to get along with our anxiety and it will more then likely get bored of us and leave . It sounds a lot easier saying that then going through it, but it makes sense, it seems like the anxiety feeds on any kind of worries especially when we worry about it ! I’m really trying this new approach it worked for 6 days straight till my 70 year old mother got in to a car accident! She’s ok but it but me back anxious but I’m getting my mind back to not being that bothered by anxiety and try to make it my friend it’s gonna work lets do it together!!! Good luck my friend we are winners!!!
There’s a great meditation app called Calm. I’ve been really trying to use it daily to help with those racing thoughts.
Another thing that sometimes helps me is writing .
It’s a daily struggle - I wish you well !
I can't say much about how to get past it because I still struggle with it myself.
But I will say that you have tons of potential, and you seem to have a lot of talent! I bet you'll get it figured out in no time. Sorry I can't help more. But I'm here if you need to vent!
Those are all good things to continue, here are some more helps: Many have found that taking magnesium (magnesium malate is best) and ginseng helped a lot, they calm the mind body and spirit and get rid of sticky negative thoughts the loop around in the mind. Also, getting outside, laying on the grass to get grounded and breathe in fresh air, looking at stars, these things help a lot too. Our environment help or hurt our mental health and physical health. Speak aloud positive truths to counteract the negative thoughts and things said to us. Also, Volunteering helps us get our of our own misery to help others, which helps us. Call those negatives a lie and correct them to yourself. Walking thru bad memories to a better visualized end to get unstuck in them helps a lot! Protect yourself from those who put that added stress on you and go out and do new challenging things, take classes, go t meetups. Learn new things, meet new people, it will get you out of the pit. Hope this helps you, blessings!
You're so welcome, hope you are having a great week too, if not, make it so. <3
Have you tried Hypnotherapy? It worked for me
I haven’t but I wouldn’t mind trying it if the EMDR therapy doesn’t work. I’m glad that it worked for you, what does it entail? Did it take long to start seeing results? I hope my insurance covers it.
I’m dealing with the same thing and what I do to help myself is to pray and declare the word of God.