I have a presentation tomorrow for my sign language class and I was supposed to present today but I backed out because I just couldn’t deal with it. I was already shaking and I could barely breathe. I’m literally gonna be in front of the class for about a minute! I know that barely seems like a lot but a minute to me is an hour. I feel so pressured while everyone is looking at me and I feel like throwing up. I don’t know what to do??! I’m freaking out I’m extremely stressed right now with school and all of this presenting in front of people I can’t deal with it I just can’t. I wish it was easier for people like me
ANXIETY?!?: I have a presentation... - Anxiety and Depre...

I know how it feels 😤😤
It’s such a struggle😭 ugh
Tell me about it i started about 3 months ago i blame it on the alcochol cause i used to drink alot, but i quit about 2 months ago and im still feeling the same.... ive been 2 times to the emergency room and theyll just tell me your a healthy young man ill be like saying in my head but i dont feel healthy i feel so sick and scared i hate it when they tell me that
I’m really sorry😔 It’s hard when people don’t understand what’s going on. It’s even harder when you tell them and they think you’re dramatic or overthinking things. That’s why I’m scared to tell people things especially when I tell my mom she says I’m psycho and I need to grow up. That makes me feel worse. I understand what you mean and trust me everything will be alright even though it may not seem like that right now I promise you❤️ don’t ignore your feelings or emotions because keeping it inside makes it worse
What do u do when u have an attack.... u take medication?
Try focusing on one person in the room as if you're just talking to them, and push on through even if the minute seems long - don't worry if your voice trembles or whatever, just push through. Also try thinking of it as easing yourself into this sort of thing gently - a lot of people struggle with presentations, more than you'd realise, and some go for 5-10 mins, so getting through this one might make it gradually easier in future. All the best.
I know how that feels. I can’t stand public speaking of any kind, I absolutely hate it. What usually works for me is to do something funny like pretend to trip over something(don’t actually fall lol), and make everyone laugh about it(say something like “ tadaa “ after everyone laughs). It works for me. Another trick is to pretend that you’re not yourself as if you’re acting out a role in a movie. If you can, make yourself believe that the room is empty and you’re talking to yourself. I hope this helps and I will say a prayer for you and that everything goes great and that you won’t think about anything in a negative way 👌
Aww that made me laugh haha the first time this week actually. I’ll totally try that hopefully that helps thank you so much👌🏼
Glad that made you laugh and hopefully everything works out. Just stay positive and laugh about everything, even when you feel funny 😜😜😜😜
I think that will help a lot because I always make things seem so serious and that puts a lot of pressure on me😩 I’m gonna be up all night thinking about this presentation until I get tired and fall asleep ugh
It should help you. And believe me, I can relate. Overthinking is a new way of life lol! And it’s okay to feel anxious about it and you have to allow yourself to feel that way 😏 None of the anxious feelings can hurt you, always remember that. It’s good to get caught up in your own little world sometimes. That’s a great way to manage things because people who don’t understand how it feels will never understand and that can be very frustrating. I hope you get a good nights rest and do great tomorrow 😉
I know how you feel...I have a PowerPoint presentation and just thinking about it makes me numb..I think I'll collapse infront of everyone on the day..I don't know what to do..good luck..let us know how you go..

Presentations are extremely hard😕 and I’ll update y’all know how it goes and how bad I did lol cause I’m gonna forget what I’m supposed to do lol
just remember that they all had to do the same thing, and I've heard many times that when in front of the class when giving a speech, look above their heads, not into anyone's eyes, and focus focus focus on what your speech is about, have 4X5 cards to refer to, and practice in the mirror over and over till you calm down. The better you know what your going to say the more you will feel confident.