Why do some people tnink it is a good idea to burn and loot during protests? That certainly doesnt help the cause. It likely hurts the cause. I have nothing against protests, but the violence and destruction is pointless and hurting other people. Businesses will close and people will loose their jobs and savings. People can get hurt. It gets attention, but negative attention. This gives the protesters a bad image and less credibility. It detracts and hurts the real meaning of the protest. It makes no sense.
Violence and destruction in protests - Anxiety and Depre...
Violence and destruction in protests

I agree with you. I dont get it, more people suffer. Hate that
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech about it, in which he famously stated that "riots are the language of the unheard". People have long passed the threshold of calm behaviour, anger at the systematic harm being done to the Black community in the United States has boiled over, and rightly so. I wish rioting did not include the level of sheer violence we're seeing, but I can understand it. People are desperate and enraged by the constant attacks to people of colour. From the stupid woman in Central Park using her white privilege against a man who was only asking her to follow the rules, to police officers literally killing Black men and women. And they get away with it EACH TIME. Maybe they are sent on administrative leave, or fired, but they are never charged with murder. Racism in the U.S. has reached a new high, and I will never understand why it has to be this way. The continued actions of the idiot POTUS are making all of it worse. What a shameful, disgraceful time in America.


I must admit I have to agree with you. I am in the UK and watched the awful video of that cop kneeling hard for at least 5 minutes on that poor guys neck as he pleaded he couldn't breathe. I was in tears.
I don't support riots but understand them.
...and dont underestimate how much the internet/social media influences human behavior. There are studies I've read on this subject, it's quite disturbing the times we live in now.
I live where the Rosa Parks Boycot happened, and raised in the same city where the 1963 bombing happened, all too familiar and still surrounded by racism.. I still dont understand human behavior but do understand how particular outlets can fuel anger and violence. Scary times for sure.

Rosa Parks was a true hero. x
I wonder what they will determine the cause of death to be. There is so.much injustice around and the current administration is promoting morecabd more of the false unfounded snd disproven accusations. Never offering a shread of evidence and some people still believe and support him. He has no soul, integrity or compassion.
I understand now. The people doing the violence in MN are from out of state. White supremacists, anarchists, etc. Not normal people. That is why it is so hard for people with compassion and intelligence to understand it.