Are you getting used to the new way w... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Are you getting used to the new way we live our lives or is it getting to you? How do you cope with this?

wiserlady profile image
6 Replies

Are you getting used to the new way we live our lives or is it getting to you? How do you cope with this?

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wiserlady profile image
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6 Replies
Starrlight profile image

I’m getting used to it but finding it depressing. I find my mind racing wondering what will happen. I try to focus on each moment each day and tell myself I’ve gotten through a lot in the past and I can make it through.

It’s easier for me in ways because I’m in charge of how I teach my kids so far but not looking forward to a possible online education continuation come Fall in which I would need to really step it up and spend way more time navigating through the new process of learning. It scares me that maybe I won’t be able to help them enough.

I’m tired of not being able to hike and be in nature. It bothers me that my kids are not socializing with family and friends. I try to look forward to better times.

How are you doing?

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Starrlight

It can all look worrying and boring cant it. And it can seem horrible that we have so little control over a lot of these things. We found that growing veg, being more laid back about how we spend our time, accepting its a good idea to relax more instead of being busy and working all of the time, zooming with family a lot and so on helped. But I also used a free prayer forum at accuratepsychicreadingsonli... as it is private and confidential. Otherwise the only people I normally speak to now are my partner and my family when we zoom and everyone is listening then. They are nice people but they want to zoom for a light hearted chat and a laugh not serious stuff or worries and some of them I dont know well enough to want to share it with them.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to wiserlady

Nice that you have a garden Wiserlady, and I agree that it makes sense to relax more when we can. Today I have no choice because depression has gotten hold of me and I’m not up to most things but on other days it’s still nice not having so many things on my calendar to get out and do. Yeah it’s hard to trust that others will understand our serious situations.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Starrlight

I find the worst thing about confiding in people is they always assume they have all the answers and give the most stupid unasked for advice you can imagine. You feel like screaming when they stand there with their serious I know all the answers face and tell you their latest bit of wisdom. And then I have to explain to them what the 50 flaws were in it where it would make things worse or is impossible. Am sorry you have depression, its very hard to deal with two big things at same time. When I went through that type of thing I went to acupuncture and it helped me.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to wiserlady

Acupuncture I’ve tried before. Not sure if it worked but I did not do I consistently for very long. I wouldn’t mind trying again sometime.

Then there’s acupressure too.

I feel like I need something huge to send me in a better direction because im sinking into a scary place. I will pray and hope it lifts or something helps.

FMsocial profile image

I was hit with a double whammy. I was planning to retire Apr 2, but the safer at home started two weeks before then. As it was only two weeks to retirement, they wouldn't let me work from home at all and disconnected me from my work email, computer, etc. I felt so rejected. Now it is getting used to being home all the time and not working 30 hrs a week. Some days I am very down, but I am trying--exercise, crafts, projects on the computer, also ZOOMING with grandkids. My husband is a high risk if he gets the virus, so we don't go anywhere. If I keep really busy, it helps, but you have to have the motivation to do it--which a lot of times is very hard to do. Hang in there and let us know how you're doing.

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