I just wanna be done. Done with everything at this point in life. I just wanna be gone. I would like to see who would actually care and miss me if I ever left. Feel like no one would. Over it.
Need it to stop: I just wanna be done... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need it to stop

cynira, I don't even know you and yet, I would be very sad if you gave up.
So I can't imagine family and loved ones feeling any different.
What are you "done with?" The migraines? What in life brings you to
this point> We are here to help you sort out your feelings and emotions.
We may not be professionals but have been in your shoes and can understand
your pain. We are here for you, you are not alone cynira. xx
When we are in the depths of depressive episodes or anxiety, it is hard to see the world how it its. We get stuck on a "negative filter" where we see everything as gloomy and hopeless. I'd bet there'd be a lot of people who would miss you if you were gone. I'm not sure if you're doing regular therapy appointments or medication, but if so, stick to them. Win some small victories for the day: go for a walk, cook something nice to eat, start a game, or read a book. PM me if you need to talk. Take care and stay healthy.
No way. Let’s talk it thru right here
Im not feeling so great right now too. Someone betrayed me so badly and it hurts so much and so I want to let you know you are going to be ok, just like me, ok?
Success is not a straight line up it's a squiggly line, on a slant, going up..lol Whatever you are feeling will pass. It's human nature to feel sad sometimes especially now. It's ok to sit in it even though it's uncomfortable, and be calm close your eyes and take a few slow breaths in and out.
Everything is going to be ok. It just takes time to get through trying times. Patience my friend and self compassion go a long way.
Hey. Who cares what they think? You matter. And how do you know you'd be better off? You don't so why not try life some more. It might surprise you.
Seriously good luck on your journey and there are lots of resources and people who want to help. There are local crisis lines, warmlines, doctors, nurses, churches, synagogues, etc... Really cool people out there. You are not alone. I think you should call a local crisis line. Might be fun. Good luck.
I once felt like that, until my meds kicked in and gave me my life back. You can't fight depression without meds, you will lose your mind.
Sorry you’re feeling that way, Ive felt like that myself many times that I’m not doing anyone any good by being here. My kids and I aren’t close. 2 of them don’t live here and I barely hear from them. The one that still lives with me, we don’t talk much. She’s here because she can’t afford to live on her own. Have you sought counseling? Maybe consider it? I usually feel better in a couple of days when it happens. Hope things get better for you 🙏
plese reread this as if written frm a dear friend that wrote you...…….yud say they are just in pain and need some tlc in spades...…………..go...……….run get them a card and flowers...…..yud be devastated they were in so much hurt and pain...………...go...…someone needs you out there...……..millions …………….nursing homes...……...animals abandoned...……..no one wanting them...……….hmmm...…….who can we find that has such a kind loving heart that would want a plant or animal or friend no one else would want...……..or repair a toy bear with one eye...…….for a child at st jude…………………..sad no one out there...…….is there for all those people alone and forgotten...………..not a toy for Christmas just months away...……..or a card...……..not even a card from a kind kind kind person...……….every day they go to the mail box and …………...walk away because no one has the time or courage to be different and send them a card...……………...so sad...………...
millions ……….need you...…….trust me /us on that...……..this is just the beginning...…..not the end...……...they NEED you...……..trust me they do...………………..just image ………...getting a card...…...a kit for help hospitalized veterans etc...…….u are soooooooooooooo needed...…..
a card...………...someone made and sent me...………...me a card...……………..
take flowers to a neighbor or nursing home...……………..read books to children or nursing home etc...……….get needed women are berrriliant at public service...……..
so thankful for the outpouring of kindness and caring of this site...…...very different than other situations or people who dump on kindness...…….bravo to you all...…...

;( thank you so much, you tell your friend they got a beautiful soul. I thank them so much for the support and for someone to hear me out and give advice, I truly appreciate it thank you guys so much!!
I’m a life time horse man
U work
Horses and animals u dint command like some moron doctors say
Almost allllllllll horses and students and competitors
Mal!! B
All horses are that way
We walk quietly act like foster parents
Help them settle decompress
Have a friend
They hate bri g alone
Not codependent
They have a friend wherever they go be it a human or companion
Why wouldn’t they ??
Even soldiers have buddies
So why the f with the mental health system and society??
Heck if we know ee are rural
Codeoendent is called a community i
What person in our profession. Dint hZhavd it ?
What are friends for? V
Take care
I feel exactly the same way. In lockdown week 7. Husband (horrible, zero patience for my anxiety disorder and depression) and two young adult kids at home also. Everyone is fighting. None of us can go anywhere. Everything is falling apart and I can take no more. Life was hard enough before this and, like you, I just want to disappear or worse.
I’m so sorry you feel so bad. Please take care xx
i'm suffering worse than ever, as you say,itwas bad enough before, others come and go you never know if you are alone in house,its awful,i am at the end now i reckon, but ill go out, what you can do,do it, all the v best ciley
Our horses have been decompressing and adjusting at the farm from their past getting used to us for eighteen months
Our training consists of long walks
Our behavior and tone fed I g grooming etc
Either earns and builds trust
Or not
They are twelve hundrdc pounds
U dint command nothing
U earn
They trust
And slowly trrain and educate through patient repetition as like Helen Keller
Can’t read the book and only learn by guessing what we want
Ought to doh f famiksr
Try to be the optimal
Not get upset about anything
Normally an innocent mistake
Fir the horses we chose
Which have goid character and we wZnt them to have a goid home and not stressed
Helps us too as I dint like to fight !
Not Abby normal in our world
And a stressdxhirse has anxiety can’t learn and much much stronger defending themselves against fear
We go fast
By going very slooooooow
Doctors !
TAkes four to six yeRs
Years to train a horse properly
Slow means he leRns without trauma
Dumb doctors.
We all care!! ❤️❤️❤️