I don't really have breathing issues, but a lot of the times when I have to talk to someone I feel like I can't breathe.
For example if a friend calls me, I'll barely say something in the conversation because everytime I say a word I feel like I'm being left out of air.
I think for most people even the ones suffering from anxiety, this would happen if they are in situations where they would have to interract with strangers or people they are not really comfortable with. But to me, this happens even when talking to my closest friends. Like when I see the phone calling, my heart starts pounding and I gen this really weird feeling in my whole body and I just feel like I can't. It's quite affecting me.
But still, sometimes I don't have this problem. I actually can be very social at times. And it's quite killing me inside that as much as I'd try to control myself, when I'm put in that situation I feel controlless if it makes sense??
Also sometimes messages feel like a challenge. Like I get a message from someone and this makes me really excited for whatever reason but than I realise that I don't know what or how to answer and this makes me really anxious so I just avoid answering and using my phone until I feel like I can answer. It's weird because I love talking to those people, but interracting seems to drench me out of energy, of joy, probably because during that I'm way too anxious and overthinking.
Any advice on this?