I am dealing with depression and my motivation during this has gone down a lot. I feel like on the outside people see me as happy and productive but I'm really just tired. I keep going to food for comfort, and I feel like I'm letting God down. Can someone talk to me?
i feel really lonely: I am dealing with... - Anxiety and Depre...
i feel really lonely

U are not letting God down. Depression is a daily battle and he knows and he loves you. Keep praying and keep pushing forward. He said those that endure until the end will be saved. I’m telling u the promise land that he’s giving to u is worth the pain we feel right now. Ur joy is coming.
I’ve really struggled with depression the last few months. I remember walking home praying to God one day trying to apologize for my depressed state, for not being able to do enough or be enough. I realized in that moment that God did not want me to apologize for a trial He has allowed me to have. God’s not disappointed in us for being depressed. He’s proud of us for trying to work through it.
For me, I feel like the shame of my depression perpetuated the depression, more than any other factor.
I'm learning to cut myself some slack.
So far so good.
The depression still comes, but it hasn't been as severe or long lasting.
I have to focus on the good that I am doing because when I’m depressed I just don’t give myself credit for anything I do but when I sit down and write it out I can see all that I’m actually accomplishing despite how I feel
God knows it's not our fault we are depressed. Just do the best you can.
God loves 100% of you, not just the parts you think are love-able.
Shame is a common feeling associate w our anxiety and depression. Just remember that these feelings are so normal and happen to millions.
Motivation is funny bc you can plan to do something, but then your mind can talk you out of it.
Journal about things you like to do and also about the feelings of lack of motivation that go along w it so you can better identify when those feelings come around again.
You are loved! Give yourself and hug and love on yourself.
You are doing the best you can. I am familiar with depression and it is sneaky. It creates thoughts that feel true but are not true. I am sending you compassion for the struggle and faith for getting through each day.
I recently heard on a podcast (I don't remember which one) that feeling less productive is normal. The situation we are in takes energy from us and makes it more difficult. I found it comforting to know it isn't just me. We face real challenges. And that's okay. We can give ourselves some space, especially during this time. As for God, I believe the world is ultimately in his control and he knows what it is like to go through something like this. He is gracious with us too. He made us, so he knows our limits and is patient with us.