As you know I’ve been having a really hard time lately. My sister and her children attacked me personally and it was a really traumatic experience for me. My nephews girlfriend worked for my Dad as a home care worker. She kept asking for time off and being unreasonable and as a result she left the job. They all felt she should have gotten better treatment because she was “family”.
After this latest incident I haven’t spoken to my sister or her family. I’ve worked with my nephews girlfriend recently and I’m staying civil.
She constantly brings up my family and how they are “with her”. It hurts.
It was her daughters birthday. I obviously wasn’t going to attend. My other sister also has issues with her as she’s attacked my sisters reputation as well.
I’m extremely upset that my brothers and their wives attended. I feel alone and unsupported. I don’t have anyone. My Dads bed ridden. My other sister is sticking by me but it still hurts. So much. And I know it hurts her as well.
I know it’s not fair to expect them to pick sides. I know she’s their sister too. But they come here and talk about them and now I’m paranoid they talk about me with her.
Do I have a right to be hurt? I support them when they need it. But it seems like I’m just alone.
And I don’t want to divulge anything else to them anymore.
Help. I’m spiralling and I don’t want to keep going on like this……