As a person who spends most of my time alone, being in quarantine is just every day living for me. I usually operate with some form of depression due to my loneliness and inability to make connections with others but lately I've been.....great. I thought that seeing all of the Zoom parties on social media and not having any to attend would cause me to feel isolated but it hasn't bothered me at all. I'm still spending way too much time (usually over twelve hours) in bed but that time isn't spent crying or worrying about my life. I'm doing really well. Sure, the bottom might drop out at any moment and I'll go back to hurting myself and suicidal ideation but I think I'm going to try and enjoy this. I should probably feel guilty for being this happy at such a terrible time but considering that I operate close to tears most of the time, I'm not going to stress over it.
Not Feeling Bad and Wondering Why - Anxiety and Depre...
Not Feeling Bad and Wondering Why
Maybe it's because everyone is in the same boat as you now? I am feeling a decrease in anxiety. My boyfriend is now working from home. I usually spend a great deal of time by myself and anxiety keeps me from leaving my apartment almost every day. My boyfriend is feeling cooped up, the world is on lockdown, but my daily routine hasn't changed that much. It is not as jarring for me as it is for him and others, and I think that makes me feel stronger. Everyone seems to be facing what I have been facing for years, and I feel like for once there is something that the world is struggling with more than I am. Does that make sense? Maybe that is the same with you?
It sure seems that way. I told someone here that I've been living a quarantine lifestyle most of my life. In a way I've been prepared for this forever.

It is as if the majority of people now are experiencing the struggles we faced when we were the minority and nobody cared or worried about how we were surviving on benefits.
They still don't. The money being given to people because ''corona isn't their fault'' irks me. Disability wasn't our fault either.
A type of equalisation now others know what its like. And yet it feels different as though the world has ended.
👍I’ve start to feel a sense of calm as I struggle with going out and interacting with people in my normal everyday life anyway. I can’t even book a slot for my online shop, but don’t seem to be going in a panic. As yet anyway!😜
Staying calm is the only thing that will get any of us through this. Panic and anxiety will cause people to do stupid things, I hope your store does well, people losing income is one of the scariest things about this quarantine.
Enoy the upswing side of this depression does do has the up side as well.....and when you are on the down side of it....try to remember it will's just how it is with this.
That is so very true.
Thank you for sharing.
“Staying calm is the only thing that will get any of us through this.” I agree. I learned this from an article that when we are calm, it strengthens our immune system.
Please stay in the forum. We need each other to encourage one another. We will all get through this pandemic by the grace of God. Stay safe. God bless.
Calm is key. The only time I get stressed is when I hear from my cousin who is a nurse in Brooklyn, I know that our hospitals are being pushed to the limit. The best thing I can do is stay home and stay calm. I count my blessings and keep on going. Thank you for being so kind, we really need to be there for each other.
I cannot predict how your brain will function going forward, but speaking from my own experience: be prepared for that to shift. I'm not saying start worrying about if and when it will, but just be mindful that it could happen. I felt this bizarre sense of calm for about a week, followed by a burst of anxiety and post-traumatic flashbacks. I don't know what your past experience is, but that sense of calm you're feeling right now might actually be a traumatic response, and it could change. Don't be pessimistic, but I say that so that, if it does change, you don't have to wonder why all the sudden that changed or feel bad that you suddenly lost that sense of resilience.