I've had a lot of stress over the last couple months and one big source of my stress ended a little over a month ago. But since then I've been feeling more and more depressed every day and less motivated. It's like I crashed from all the stress and anxiety and now it's turned into depression. I own my own business and I'm really slacking on getting work done for my clients because I'm not motivated to work. But I need to figure things out or I'm gonna lose my clients.
I haven't been on medication for years and was doing good to ok since. But lately my depression and anxiety has gotten bad and I'm starting to think maybe I need them again. I really didn't like taking them and had a really bad withdrawal from the last meds, which I told myself I'd never take meds again because of. I also don't want to have to rely on meds. But I don't know what else to do. And I've sort of exhausted my local therapy options since they are pretty limited with my crappy insurance (in the US). And I don't have the money right now to pay for more expensive online therapy that doesn't take insurance. So I'm feeling pretty stuck on what to do.
I've tried pushing myself to do social things to help me get out of my head and have some fun, but I feel even worse when I've tried to get out there and meet people. I don't have any real friends, my family makes me feel like crap when I'm with them, and I haven't dated anyone in years. I tried to put myself out there with a few guys lately and feel like a fool that they kind of blew me off. I'm dreading going through the holidays like this and need something to help me get over my sh** and get work done so I can afford things like therapy.
Any advice or options for affordable therapy in the US? Or just anyone going through something similar you can relate to?