I am going through the worst form of stress, pain , depression. How to end it? I got divorced from a narcissistic husband 7 months ago and he has now married. I don't care about it but it hurts to see my life being shattered like this.
How to release pain and depression? - Anxiety and Depre...
How to release pain and depression?

Hey Mommis! First things first: Understand that you are on a better position than you were 7 months ago. You have to fully let go of your past in order to heal. You should write down everything that you’re experiencing and see exactly what you need to change. Sometimes, when we write things down and look at them, it makes all the difference. Now, I used to struggle with depression and the one thing that saved my life was CHANGING MY SCHEDULE. There’s nothing wrong with changing your schedule and reinventing who you are. After, anything is better than who we once were, RIGHT?! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and change your lifestyle. I know it’s tough, but as soon as change your schedule, you’ll start feeling better. This will allow for you to gain co trip of your life which will boost your confidence. I’m trying to stay awake, but I will continue to give you more advice throughout the night.
Hope this helps. GOD BLESS
what should i need to change in my schedule
Schedule change is all about gaining control of your life and doing what makes you happy. There’s a reason why you are the way that you are, so change is a great option. I’m not saying change the type of person you are, but start doing things that focus on YOU and YOUR happiness. Exercise, go for walks, get in tune with nature, etc. I guarantee you’ll start feeling better. If someone doesn’t love you for you, then you shouldn’t hold on to that kind of pain. Realize how GREAT you are and love your life.
Stan_K is right, especially with being in a better position than you were 7 months ago. I have a small understanding about it hurting to see your life shattering, but once you move on you'll start to get better. And if it's not too much to ask, are you the one who asked for the divorce? Don't tell me if you don't want to. It's fine
Hey. I am sorry you are going through this. A divorce can be very hard and challenging for anyone to adjust to a new normal. Call this number, 855-382-543, sometimes it is good to just talk it out to others that do not know you but who loves all people and nonjudgmental. I have used them. Don't keep it inside, its not healthy for you. Also, try to focus on positive aspects of each day. I pray for your healing of the heart and lots of love. Give them a call.