How to cope with depression? - Anxiety and Depre...

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How to cope with depression?

V___ profile image
21 Replies

I'm having trouble dealing with things lately. It seems the simplest of tasks are just becoming harder and harder to accomplish. I'm struggling with how to not fall into an ugly pit of despair and isolate myself. In the end I'm more miserable than when I started, knowing this you would think I could do something about it but somehow without a warning I'm there, in the pit, alone.

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V___ profile image
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21 Replies

You will not be alone here!! We are all here ready to listen, share our stories, and provide endless encouragement towards you and all the goals you wish to achieve. I am very sorry you are depressed. It’s a difficult disease to deal with and most people don’t understand which in the end makes you feel alone. We understand and we will not let you go through this by yourself.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to

Thank you!

Lain599 profile image

Yes, I know exactly how you feel. I am so very sorry to think another is suffering as I am.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

I'm sorry you're dealing with this as well. It's not something I wish on anyone. I've been trying to come up with different ways/habits to address my issues but find it hard to succeed. Tomorrow is a new day.

Lain599 profile image
Lain599 in reply to V___

For has been life. Plus, my so-called husband , psychologically abusive so not illegal, is divorcing me. I am a total mess and do not know how to be financially stable for my sons. He is living here still. I cannot live with his smug hatred. I have been almost okay. Now, I shall have no insurance (I am bipolar 2,) and I must support us all. I down everyone. I am all alone in every way possible.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

Divorce definitely doesn't make it any easier. And I'm sure having to see each other in this mess just adds fuel to the fire. How many sons do you have? Are they older/younger?

Whenever you feel the need to vent feel free to reach out. It's helped me a time or two. Sometimes just knowing there's someone else who truly understands helps me think more positive.

Lain599 profile image
Lain599 in reply to V___

I really, really appreciate your response. I have 2 sons, special needs and sweet and brilliant, ages 18 and 20. Again, I really appreciate your listening. Not many so-called crisis lines did but I do get a call once a week to see if I am alive. Hah! Like I will answer THEM.

That is the one thing I really hate...why must I be humble and oh, so nice to bullies? Why is the horrid and nasty lawyer that I supposedly retained, (and he charged me $500.00 for a call he made to me. He screamed, humiliated and whatever at me for a full hour. I am too poor to bother with. He went on vacation for 2 weeks where he would see if I contacted his staff in any manner,) anyway, HE says my husband lives here, I must be very nice to him and that when he leaves so does any financial assistance. $25 is good enough for food and all for the boys, myself, and the beasties. No alimony or help. That is because it is extra work for him.

So, I reiterate. Why must I be nice to an extremely abusive jerk who wishes me dead and pushed me to OD?

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

Gosh that's heart breaking to hear. 😔 No one should ever make anyone feel like that. I'm so glad you're here and well enough to share your story. It's a constant battle every day and I'm proud of you for still trying. You're here, sharing, and it's a start.

I've struggled with learning my own self worth for years. I used to have such a bright outlook on life and then the abuse and cheating and lies from my husband began. I thought it was all my fault somehow. After time I realized it's not my fault. It's been two years and it's rough sometimes but little by little the good outweigh the bad.

Lain599 profile image
Lain599 in reply to V___

Excellent to hear that one can recover.

I did come straight to him from a family that wished me dead, (I was told that constantly,)my sister actually spit on me childhood safety or love. I was not fed, was tortured, and not allowed most things, like private thoughts, going to the bathroom and saying 'I.' (I wet myself in public at age 13) I lived in fear of Jehovah as I was told he would strike m,e down. Did not!

I survived because animals protected me and taught me loyalty and love, often at the cost of their lives. A teacher snuck me phonetics. I was thus able to teach myself how to read. Then... I escaped them by marrying.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

Oh no, I'm so sorry. Look how strong you are!!! ❤ To endure all that and be where you are. You have such a passion to excel that you taught yourself how to read!!! Not many can say that! You are an inspiration! I hope you see that for yourself one day.

It's not an easy road. Some times you end up making u turns and getting lost but as long as you find yourself back on track you're headed in the right direction. And don't forget there's never ever anything wrong with stopping and asking for directions!!! ❤

Lain599 profile image
Lain599 in reply to V___

Well said! Although, I hate asking for help. Now, I must and find only closed doors. At least, so far. I am rather shocked to hear that I could be inspirational. I have never heard anyone say very much positive about who I am. Now, to me, YOU are truly a breath of mountain air. So clear and fresh.

asherey123 profile image

Have you been to a good doctor or two?I would really like to know whether or not Doctors help people with depression!If so ,then great ! If you tell me you have tried and it did not succeed ,maybe another Dr. MAY have a better approach or method.

Lain599 profile image

I have/had a psychiatrist and therapist. Both said I will never be anything but depressed. Oh, well. It is almost 6 and I am feeling it both physically and emotionally.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

Watch ""A glass of water" An inspirational story" on YouTube

Lain599 profile image
Lain599 in reply to V___

Thanks, I shall.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

Just stopping by to say hello and let you know I thought of you today. ♥ I hope you're having a good day. One day at a time. ☺

Lain599 profile image
Lain599 in reply to V___


I discovered that most of my depression is from the toxic resentment of my soon to be former, husband. I am much better. (Still like jello but it is so nice to not have a home where one is absoluted hated and loathed!) Oh...things are not turning out like he planned. MY lawyer is rebutting and making his life rather miserable. The friend he is staying with will not even let him eat dinner with him. My neighbor, and her teenage daughter, that he was stalking told him to get lost. NOW he texts me when I wrote to go away, very nicely, that I am hateful and he wishes to be with the boys and me again. He actually wrote: "I thought the divorce would be good for us where we could be friends again..."

Really delusional! This is the first time all can be themselves, unafraid, and without nastiness.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to Lain599

Sounds like things might just be turning around for you!!! I'm so happy to hear that you're doing much better!! ❤ ☺

Keep up the great work! Smile, knowing that you're moving in the right direction. 😊 We're all rooting for you!!

elishiagwartney profile image

Your not alone! I have been dealing with the same thing! Im trying hard not to fall into the pit but i feel im already there. I feel im barely getting by with no motivation.

V___ profile image
V___ in reply to elishiagwartney

I hope you're doing ok!!! I'm feeling a bit better. Today was a good day!! ☺ Tha k you so much to you all for just talking to me and getting my mind out of its rut! ❤

hopewarrior3000 profile image

First of all, thank you for reaching out and coming to this site. That is a huge step and took both initiative and courage on your part. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for 25 years and am still figuring out how to live with these conditions. Know that There Is Nothing Wrong With You and It's Not Your Fault. You are NOT alone in this. Depression came make simple tasks feel monumental. People may not understand, but it is not because you are lazy or weak; your are just suffering from a debilitating condition. Do what you can and give yourself credit for what you accomplish under the weight of your symptoms. Just making it through the day can be heroic.

Second, if you can push past the pain and find a therapist and/or psychiatrist to consult about your symptoms, it can be incredibly helpful to do so. If finances/lack of insurance are an issue, you can look up mental health resources in your area. If you like, I can research that for you if you give me an idea of where you live. Having a professional to talk to can indeed be a lifesafer. Until then, reach out to whoever will offer an empathetic ear, and if not come to this site and feel free to vent. I am willing to correspond. If worse comes to worse, contact a crisis line, but by all means reach out!

I currently see a therapist weekly and take medication as well. In addition, I go to the gym to get some exercise (it is the most effective medication for me), if you can find the wherewithal to do any sort of physical exercise, do so, even just walking. Get outside and get some fresh air. The endorphins that exercise generates can be a powerful antidote to stress and low mood. Also, be very conscious of the negative messages and images that you consume, whether through the news, entertainment, or social media. I am still working on this. Try to surround yourself with positive messages and energy and people.

Finally, understand, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are people out there would love to help and support you. Sorry this is so long, but I have been in the pit too many times not to share what I know about how to survive. Just making it through the day, however you manage to do so -- that doesn't involve hurting oneself or others -- is a triumph. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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