Anyone here this morning? Feeling bad but put on makeup and going to work. Have to go to meetings too but how do I do it while feeling bad? Please send support. Suffering with severe depression/anxiety.
Depression support please. - Anxiety and Depre...
Depression support please.
Well done you give yourself lots of credit for getting things done ...just keep saying to yourself...I am gonna do this
I would give my self a little extra time to get there, so I don't have the added stress of worrying about running late (trains, traffic etc.) Also, if time allows, pick up my favorite drink from a friendly coffeehouse.
These are just little things but they always cheer me a little before work.
Also, is there something nice you can look forward to doing after work? Just think, I can do (x) after I get through this....
You’re pushing through! Did you show up?! If so GIVE YOURSELF SOME CREDIT! We’re here for you! Make sure you’re taking time for YOURSELF! ❤️
Dolphin just saw this. I’m here. You aren’t alone. This is just a feeling and isn’t reality. It will pass 💛
Dolphin 80
I'm hoping by now some of your meetings are over? How did it go?
So I didn’t get a promotion I thought I would get. Found out today.
I'm sorry that didn't happen for you.
How are you feeling?
Still not feeling great.
Are you home now? Can you get some rest?
Just read you are on your way home. Try and relax through the ride. Do you have music or anything to do during the commute?
Yes going to relax. But I have a daughter. Have to take care of her. 18 months old. Am I a bad mom because I suffer with depression?
No you are not a bad mom. A lot of people can be good parents and have depression. What makes you think you are a bad mom?
Meetings done. Going home.
I hope today is a better day for you.