I recently have been struggling with a really bad depressive episode. I know I should talk about it but I feel guilty for having the problem in the first place. I just wish I could live my life without the constant pit in my stomach and ache in my heart.
Does anyone ever feel so guilty for b... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone ever feel so guilty for being depressed you refuse to acknowledge it?

I can relate to this as I’ve been experiencing the same feelings. It’s not our fault we struggle with depression. It’s just like any other illness/disorder: think diabetes, thyroid issues, etc. I keep reminding myself of this.
I feel the same way. I don’t want to have to make others deal with my depression. Especially since a lot of times they don’t know how to help or react. And sometimes, they are annoyed. Also, I feel like there’s no need for me to be depressed. I’ve had a much better life than a lot of people. But anyway, being depressed is just how it is for the time, so it’s best to try to do something about it if we can. You should try to talk to someone, even one person, who cares about you.
Yes. I wish I can be normal like other people. But when things go wrong. I feel so depressed and hopeless. I don't want to feel this way. I regretted feeling this way. But I just can't help it.
No one wants to live with depression and it's nothing to be ashamed of and yet, I know what you mean. I sometimes feel childish to be my age and unable to function like a normal adult when a simple task like cleaning a room is impossible for me to even start. It's all about convincing yourself that you deserve to live a full life and moving on from there. That might mean therapy and/or medication or making small changes to your routine. I wish I could snap myself normal but until then, I'll be here.
Thanks for making this less lonely. I've had a really bad episode lately and felt bad for feeling bad..... how ironic. When I try to talk to my sis, she avoids the topic cause, as someone said earlier - they don't know how to respond. Sometimes all I need is to know someone is willing to listen. Instead, I have conversations in my head which doesn't help. My SO is also on my case for not doing stuff with him, but he doesn't get how difficult leaving my room is.
Glad you asked. And glad to see how similar the responses are. I can’t recall anyone ever saying they have not felt embarrassed or ashamed of depression.
keep breathing ... please
I somewhat relate, but mine is more towards being embarrassed about having depression. I've encountered people along the way who have caused me to feel embarrassment by their remarks. One person I work with jokes about mental health disorders and "people who have to go to the 7th floor (of the hospital)," and it's demeaning.
Hi there,
I remember what it felt like to feel so lonely, no matter how many people were surrounding me. I was just sad. It’s hard, isn’t it? It’ not like you wake up in the morning and decide, “Hey, I think I will be depressed, sad, discouraged, or mad”? Right?
A few things that help me to feel better are listening to Christian music (because it is so uplifting and it gets my mind on God and off myself), reading the Bible and morning devotionals, praying, and having some great prayer-partners as friends. Listening to Dr. Charles Stanley, InTouch Ministries, or Anne Graham-Lotz, Angel Ministries are two of my favorite podcasts that I use for learning how to live in this world and not be overcome by it. I’m sure thinking of you and hope some of these ways of coping will help you feel better, too.
I k ow how you feel ! You don’t have to feel guilty. I have done things I regret and I want you to know that you may talk about it. I’ll listen 👂
I can so relate! And I’ve even said things like, “at least if I had cancer or a heart attack, people would understand!” And there would be a course of action for a cure instead of this feeling like a guinea pig trying different meds. But that’s not really true for those diseases. And I think most people are starting to accept depression & anxiety as real & something you can’t just snap out of in your own. Thank God people are talking more about it - especially celebrities who have more publicity. You need to talk about it. And listen to the podcasts - Giving Voice to Depression - it’s amazing