So I was supposed to go out on a date of sorts (1st time in forever) and well it was cancelled bcuz of a work thing that they forgot about. I combatted made other plans with my dogs ( yes I asked them if they wanted to - no judgement lol)... we went for super long trek, I dressed for it as it was coldish (-16C) that’s not cold cold for me b4 everyone freaks out shivering. I had 4 very warm layers on, snow gear, dogs had winter coats, warm water, paw warmers. I had hot tea in insulated mug. I grew up with 6 months winter so I prepare for it exp during February!
We went ended up being like 2 hours... we were all enjoying it. I did not bring my phone as a precaution for the crap spinning I was trying to walk off and avoid txt msgs that could be sent if I hit a weak moment with insecurity, trust etc. I got home but did not rush to txt them I made it home... 20-30 mins later car pulls up to my house so dogs freak out I calm dogs back. Person gets back in car drives away... I know who this was and who asked them to come by...🤬 crap had not been spinning till this trigger. I was not trusted to be independent enough to employ my basic common sense in winter ( I am broken, useless, pitied, not seen as equal partner level) they do not think I can be Independent(I’m not good enough will never be so why bother trying to be something i will never be seen as). I get it lots of self pity but considering day b4 I could not get out of house for a good chunk of time I was rocking it! I was proud tbh. I then txtd to express the consequence of this action etc ... craaap all the crazy stuff flew out of my thumb! My brain spinning... poor hamster.
Rest of night they apologizes missing the point and ignoring with apologies which are doing nothing. 😕
I went to bed cuz I didn’t wanna deal with the crap in my head anymore....
I wake up with my thoughts freaking me out, not trusting myself let alone anyone else, not believing that I will ever reach my goals or have any faith instilled in me again so I will never be seen as equal again. Yes I’m an over achiever, hard on myself etc but is this me facing reality or my brain playing evil dirty games? Do I need to re-examine my priorities?