Hi everyone.
I would like to let you all know that I am following my path of becoming a Life Coach. The reason why I call it Spiritual Life Coaching is because I believe that we are Spirits having a physical existence. It is because we have forgotten this that we suffer. It is because we are not connected to our true self that we suffer in this world that most of the time seems like a hell. I would love to help you in your process just like I have been helped. I also suffered from anxiety and depression so I completely understand you. However, I have been on a spiritual journey for many years now, and it is when I disconnected from my true essence that I began having anxiety attacks. Now that I have connected to my Higher Self which is connected to All, Universe, God, Source (however you want to call it), now I am in Peace.
So, as a thankful practice for being in this group, (because it helped me in my process) I would like to encourage you to send me a private message with any problem that you might have and I will do my best to guide you.
Have a wonderful day and remember, you have the power, you just have to remember. It is time to stop people, situations and yourself from taking that power away.
Much Love