I don’t feel this way all the time...just occasionally. Is this normal, or is there something else going on?
Sometimes I just want to SCREAM as lo... - Anxiety and Depre...
Sometimes I just want to SCREAM as loud as I can.....Is this normal with anxiety and/or depression?

100% normal, depression can be extremely frustrating and make you want to explode. I felt really good one time for like a day after I got so frustrated at my mom I screamed at her at the top of my lungs and put a hole in the wall lol. I felt much more relaxed for a day after that but the anxiety/depression came back.

Slushy47, Thanks for responding!Question: Are you taking any meds, & I’d do have they been of any help? (I’m currently not taking anything).
Yea I'm taking sertraline and its helped me to become functional and happy again. Then I found out I have hypothyroidism and treating that has helped a lot so I may be able to lower or get off the sertraline eventually, who knows. I also suspect I probably have celiac buts it's difficult to diagnose. If I did then it would explain why I may not be producing enough neurotransmitters. We'll see

Wow....I hope everything works out for you and you’re able to get to the root of what’s going on...
(I’m very apprehensive about taking antidepressants; concerned about side effects, etc., but at this point, I need to do something.)
I was too. I did everything I could to try to help myself before I started taking them but my life was going nowhere and I was forced to do something. Your probably not as far down the well as i was. The difference has been night and day for me though and they have helped clear my mind so I could find the roots of my problems. The only side effect I have on sertraline is sexual which sucks but the thyroid medicine seems to be helping that.
Whatever works for you Cured2020 x
It's okay to scream, to cry...anything that releases the overwhelming
emotions in us can be self healing. xx
My depression has gotten worse recently and yes it seems to make me angry. I currently want to scream bc I got in a fight with my dad and my Valentine’s Day plans with my boyfriend fell through. It all seemed to build up and I became furious. I held in the scream and even though I felt like punching something or throwing things, I didn’t. I really don’t consider myself a violent person at all so this new rage I seem to have every once in a while is very unsettling.
Jesca18, Thanks for the reply...
I’m also a nonviolent person, too & I’ve also felt like throwing things; I know this is NOT normal for me and I’m concerned & don’t really know what to do.
I didn’t actually know anger is a symptom of depression.. so that somewhat explains it
I’ve gotten into two fights recently with my boyfriend and I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.. I’m like this isn’t me.. who is this angry person
We need to find other ways to blow off steam. I really need to get back into yoga lol and I suppose there is no harm in punching a pillow
I think in the right place...like your car with the windows rolled up and the radio blasting when your by yourself,...is cathartic and actually healthy....
I think it’s fine to scream as a means of healing. Scream into a pillow or whatever. Exercise is a good way to exert that energy too. Of course talk therapy allows you to “scream” a little at a time in a controlled manner. You got to get it out.
Yes it normal. My PTSD therapist tells me to all the time. It is a way of getting things out. Do it someplace where no one can hear you, because they won’t believe that it’s alright to do. ❤️