I've been getting really bad headaches and sick to my stomach all the time. Idk if its could be the deppresion and anxiety or if i am sick...
Can depression and/or anxiety cause s... - Anxiety and Depre...
Can depression and/or anxiety cause sickness??

Are you on any medications that may have that side effect?
Yes it can.
headaches and stomach problems are very common with anxiety issues.

I didn't realize that anxiety could cause headaches.
She mentioned getting sick to her stomach which could cause dehydration. Dehydration also causes headaches.
Yeah you tense up when you are anxious. You can get tension headaches. I didn’t know about the dehydration though. It makes sense.

What you said also makes sense. I was at a support group today and somebody mentioned that anxiety causes physical pain, even fibromyalgia.
You can train yourself to notice when your body is tensing up. A relaxation method I used when I was overcoming my agoraphobia called progressive muscle relaxation helps make the mind body connection. You lay flat on a bed. You start with your feet and work up towards your head. You purposely curl and tense up your feet and hold it for 5 seconds and then release all at once. You will feel muscles you never knew exsisted in your feet start to twitch and relax. Then you move up to your calf muscles tense them hold for five then release. You continue in like manner up the body. It is one of the most relaxing states of being I ever felt. You also start to notice how it feels when different muscle groups are tensed up so you can relax them when you start to feel anxious.
See your doctor to determine if you are sick. This will relieve your anxiety.
My younger brother was sick for three or four months. He would cry and complain of how much pain he was in. He could barely eat. His stomach would swell. He was unable to use the restroom the whole three to four months. He always felt nauseous. None of the doctors could figure out what was wrong with him. He got sent to one last doctor and he figured out that he has anxiety and that's what was causing all his issues. Once he was on his anxiety medication he hasn't had any troubles except when he stops taking it and gets stressed at school. So it is very possible your anxiety and depression are making you sick. But it is always best to consult a doctor if your troubles are serious.
I'm sorry your feeling sick, I can totally empathize with you,
I had started getting cluster migraines when I was pre menopausal and they have not stopped...they do make you very sick to your stomach along with severe pain in your head...everyone has a little bit different symptoms...but they usually are similar....are you sensitive to sound and light ....do you notice where and when you get the headaches....certain fluorescent lights can trigger them...change in medicine...too much caffeine....the list is endless.
You may want to talk to your doctor for sure about it if they are not going away...