Im snuggling with high anxiety and depression at the same time right now... Yesterday I was anxious durning the morning... Tried to keep up with my routine... Showered walked listened to music and tried to watch shows i like on tv... My neighbors are being very disruptive...i have been doing my best to realize we are all stuck at home right now and get through the noises...i tried to reach out to my landlords yesterday and process it with my therapist... My landlord did not return my call which made me parents are older and all at risk for the virus so the anxiety continues for me alot right now...i had such high anxiety last night I couldn't eat or sleep very worried about my mental health at this time because today i took a shower to feel better and clean like normal but im very depressed...i do have a mental health team and i have really been struggling with everything going through phone calls and not in person... I have not been in the hospital for a long time and am not suicidal but im concerned because I feel disconnected and unloved which is abnormal for me usually...if anyone can give me advice or support id be grateful... My therapist sent me to this group yesterday.. Im worried about people who are like myself mentally ill and dont do well in isolation! Thank you so much for listening or taking the time to read this!
Anxiety and depression throughout the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and depression throughout the lockdown in the Illinois area

So sorry you are struggling I know how fustrating it is when neighbours are a pain I had some very disruptive neighbours one point in my life which led me to buy a very large semi detached house.the neighbours I have now are lovely but I still witness there domestic arguments though they are very nice when face to face
Thank you for the reply! I understand we are all stuck inside right now and never react back by banging or anything... I just dont understand why they are being so rude to me or so it seems...i am a bit depressed today about the situation... Im trying to be a good neighbor and good person at the same time...i have been trying to get ahold of the landlords all day for the last two days... Im just a bunch of nerves it seems with this isolation which i know is the best for everyone! Thanks for understanding and compassion and responding! Ill try to stay strong!
Yes..u do relate 2 u so dis lockdown period im so tied up wis household chores with no hus hs 2 go fr work as he s into essential services..i hv a kid 2 take care al by neighbours r horrible..nt that they make noise or smethng bt dey bang their door shut wen ours open...v annoying...nt helpful at all...i wud suggest ur in a much bettr anxiety hs increased so much in this period..god give us strength 2 fight there fr u..good luck
Thanks for the reply! Im so sorry about your situation... I also have one neighbor who slams the door all the time... My only son is 21 though and lives in st Louis...i am sorry you are going through some of the same is rough! I hope you stay strong! Thank you for the reply! Appreciate it! Huge hugs to you and yours!
Hello Rainbows,
You are welcome to the platform. I can understand what you are going through right now. You are not alone. We are alone together. Its funny how it sounds but there are lot of people who are feeling alone out there that you can connect and chat with to keep you company even though you may not be physically together.
I know you have been doing the right things to keep your mind focused of what is going on around us now. Just as any other pandemic and war that has come before, this too will pass, and things will be back to normal again. Keep distracting yourself and entertaining yourself. If we stay safe, we will be fine. Let just keep the safety precautions. Netflix has one-month free subscription you can make good use of this time to binge watch series of shows to keep you distracted. I have heard of therapist and counselling having Tele or phone visit. If you think you need someone to talk to you can try this too. Check this out and I think you might find it helpful. Sending love and hugs your way. I pray for the peace of God in all this.
Thank you for your words and tips and support! I really appreciate that you took time out for me! Ive been trying my hardest to get through this isolation as we all are... Besides my walks around the neighborhood (staying clear of people when i see them on my path)for anxiety and healthy trying everything I know to get through this disconnected feeling and the bouncing from anxiety to depressed... I have my therapy session tomorrow morning and see my doctor who i am very open and honest with because i feel this is the only way she can help me... I just got my internet connection hooked up this morning so i hope that helps with outlits this support group and as many options as possible... I have been checking this support group out everday and reading every ones posts... Its just if i don't know what to reply i do not... Doesn't mean I don't care for sure! I know i am grateful for the ideas support and encouragement and outlet! Thanks again so much! Much love and hugs to you and yours and every one going through this rough time!
How have you been doing Rainbows2020, Just checking on you.
Hey! Ive been up and down a bit but hanging in there! Hope you and yours are doing well... I just kind of feel like I'm never going to see my friends and family with this stay in house order extended but i know it for the best for everyone! Just keep trying to remain strong and positive! Thank you for talking to me! I appreciate you reaching out!