I have brain fog like my head feels heavy and difficult to think or do mental tasks. Anyone else feels the same? I also have very poor memory, i forget what i was doing, what i was saying, i forget names, words, places, etc. Plz help someone!
Brain fog, detached feeling. - Anxiety and Depre...
Brain fog, detached feeling.

same here. it can be quite scary. i feel as though i'm not even inhabiting my own body. i find it extremely hard to be present or to think clearly at the moment.
Hello again. I'm sorry you're going through another cycle of this. I know the feeling all too well. Just as a reminder you have come to the right place and I certainly want to help when ever you go through this. Don't hesitate to chat me up any time.
For the memory issues, I find it helpful to keep an organizer/journal of stuff that you need to reference pretty much anything and everything you need. Consider it your a memory back up. I don't rely on my smart phone since well it's subject to all sorts of issues. That's not to say don't keep using it for your other stuff. This Journal is meant to get ideas stored and thought that may stress you out that lead to this brain fog moments. I often get them from a variety of reasons. Stress and information overload from work being the greatest causes of my brain fog, though you may have different reasons. I stored a calendar, Action List to do that very day, Notes of In that I make that need to get sorted. Contacts if you don't all ready have them on your phone, Reference info (diagrams, movies to rent, places to vacation, Medications to take, People in study groups, etc), Agendas to tend to when meeting with people or groups from school, doctors visits, study groups, therapist. You can also do a tab on Projects/ Goals to get done. Another tab could be Plans to tackle. You don't have to include everything just the essentials you need that will help you.
I've made this long, but I can fill you in on other ideas or help with this one more you like. Just say the word. As always you are welcome to ask any time. I get this cycle too so I have tried to cope with them as best as I can. I hope to help you if I can to alleviate your anxiety.
All those are symptoms of anxiety. The right SSRI medication will help. The trick is to find the right one for YOU.

May be anxiety, but deep within i don't feel anxiety as such. I don't know how to help those symptoms. I feel sad too.
Oh man. I totally understand what you’re saying. It makes me super freaked out because I don’t know if it’s my depression or my meds or ... I don’t know!!