Does anyone have any advice on how to better your concentration due to brain fog with a bad anxiety and depression episode? I am not in any medicine cause of multiple bad reactions but I start counseling Wednesday. If anyone had any advice it would be much appreciated!🖤🖤 I hope everyone is having a good day
Brain fog and concentration - Anxiety and Depre...
Brain fog and concentration

I just take one thing at a time. If I see the whole picture I get lost and overwhelmed. Just go slow and accomplish the task at hand.

Yep. That's what I have to do. Not doing a great job of it at the moment, but coming here helps.
Unfortunately I can't help either! It's awful, I've taken to writing things down and giving myself a break when I can't remember things.
It's tough and I cry a lot because of it! 😢
Hm, classical music usually helps clearing the mind cause it's slow with no lyrics. It helps you focus. Just choose smtg simple like piano instrumentals.
Try and take a deep breath and calm down first.
Then it takes a whole lot of pushing yourself to continue trying. Even if it's not working. Until your brain gives in.
Not a 100% solution but it helps.
Besides that, talk to a loved one/friend about it. Once u talk about it in detail, you'll calm down..and your mind will be a little clearer.
Consider diversions and hobbies you enjoy. If you are having problems remembering things write them down on a piece of paper, pick it up read it next day or when required and read it, sometimes a diary is a good idea to jog your memory.
I cannot remember what I was doing the day before or if I have been away on holiday I forget where I have been appointments need to be written down so I can remember. were or what was achieved.
Write down your problems before your appointment and make the list easy to understand so you can explain your problems with your Therapist
I try to take each day one at a time. I have to do that most days, but when I'm in the middle of a really bad depressive episode like I was in February and most of March, or a bad stretch with my generalized anxiety disorder, I really try to slow down. I also rest when I need to, because the brain fog makes me so exhausted. and, be kind to myself because I know that this is not my fault. It's just a part of my illnesses.