So I start CBT today... all I can think of is behaviour modification so I’m getting visuals of a metal bowl strapped to my head with electrodes attached to it or Pavlov’s dog....
I’ve tried distractions, redirection, yoga, hot bath etc but I always come back to the negative visual. It seems to be feeding my insecurities in a hyperbolic unrealistic way too. I feel like besides the pain, depression, anxiety, insecurities I’m ok with me. I’m comfy in my skin so is this “modification” really necessary?
This is me when I’m freaking out...which is probably unwarranted but it’s a new thing on the road of this whole overcoming pathway I find myself on... I understand the science, theory and what to expect from a practitioner point of view but experiencing it on other side of desk so to speak is what I’m having issue with today. Giving advice to my former patients is way easier then doing it myself....
Not sure this will stop the “crazy” thoughts but at least I do not have to see the dogs tilting their heads at me and licking their lips with blank expressions... lol
Vent done.... back to distracting myself with knocking stuff off today’s to do list while hopefully ignoring the clock till I need to leave at 3:45....
Yayyy ☀️Just poked itself out from behind the clouds... outside I go as this is the best distraction and bonus it’s 1C today too!!!!!