Have been debating whether or not to post about this but could use some support to move on. On New Year's Day at 1:45am my phone rang. I let the answering pick up since it was a blocked number but every time the machine answered they would hang up and immediately call back. I decided to answer the third call thinking perhaps there was an emergency since my family knows the only way I will answer is if they call over and over. When I answered a male voice called me by name, said they were outside of my home and told me to let them in so they could do something quite vulgar to me. I immediately hung up. The phone rang four more times after that. My husband was working and I was home alone. I filed a police report and have been diligent about turning my alarm system on when I am home. A few days later around 12:30 am I received another call from a blocked number. This time they only called once. I am still shaken up by all of this. Whenever the phone rings even in the daytime I literally jump. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me calm down a bit? I appreciate any suggestions. Not sleeping and it's taking a toll.
Still shaken: Have been debating... - Anxiety and Depre...
Still shaken

Do you have a cell phone in addition? Unplug the landline?
I wish I could but unfortunately I get more Spam calls on my cellphone than I do the landline. I also need the landline for my security system. Thank you though it's a great idea.
Hello Mrspjsmom. Here in the UK you can ask your service provider to block certain calls or change your number, not sure if you can else where though.
I may have some help for you. If you have a VOIP phone set-up, like many (N.Doaty, shoutout) have said there apps that allow you to completely block a number so it doesn't even ring your phone. Not a shill but I personally use a free program called Nomorobo. Have used it for a number of years and added by my estimate hundreds of thousands of numbers. You can add as many as you like. However if the caller is spoofing their number I don't think there are any apps that can trace/block it. I do not know. So far it appears they only know your name and your number unless they have revealed more info to you that proves differently. Highly unlikely they were actually outside your home. Don't get scared, get angry. Tell them you have a Mossberg 500 JIC (Just In Case) 12 gauge shotgun and are eager to see what damage it can do to a human body. And look on YT for a Mossberg 500 JIC. Nice short handled shotgun, perfect for close quarters combat or for spraying the yard should some perv be lucky enough to be standing there, on his cell. Lol!

Thank you. I will look into Nomorerobo. I will leave the shotguns to my next door neighbor and his son. However my son has been an avid paintball player for years. One year he asked for a paintball vest for Christmas. While he still lived at home I found I was a pretty good shot. May borrow one of his paintball guns. When the sheriff gets here it will be easy to make an arrest. They just have to look for someone covered in paint. And those paintball pellets can leave some nasty bruises. I've seen a few. Thank you your response made me smile and I really needed that.
Oh I shot my last stalker with a paintball. Call the police and tell them make it quick he’s covered in ‘idiot red’!
Being a novice in paintballs, do they make them in Day-Glo fluorescent colors? Or glow in the dark? That would be so cool, some idiot covered in glowing Pepto-Bismol dots sitting on the ground, tears streaming down his face, nose running as he's gasping for air. Yeah, not much fight left in that perp. Now's the time to "tune him up." You know, he's resisting and the police aren't there yet?

Yes. All those colors! Isn’t that fun😆😆😆

I love the idea. I'm sure if there are neon colors for paintball my son would know.

They do and you can turn air speed up on those things and it can hurt really bad, especially when the paint ball doesn’t break. But either way it hurts really bad.
N.Doaty reminded me: You can buy pepper balls if you do actually shoot at someone. Just maybe not indoors. You can't breathe pepper spray any better than an intruder. Unless you hold your fire, set gun to full auto, let loose then run out the back before you require another breath.

They may be illegal in New York state. I know pepper spray is.
Ah, New York. Just owning a paintball "GUN" is probably breaking about a dozen municipal regs. Still, how illegal is it if you can purchase it over the net? They won't ship to your state? I live in Florida and have no compulsion against providing an honest American citizen in another state "herbal supplements" for their own personal use. Just let me know. I'm an old man and getting older and more onnery these days. Let them come after me. Like I care.

I need the pepper balls🥵
Oh do you live in NY state as well? See above! I ship all over to anywhere.
This has to be the third or fourth time I've read your post and the phrasing of it just hit me. Roflmao at that thought! It's the literal translation that hit me. Salty balls, sweaty balls, etc...

You and I are going to get kicked off of here for irreverence. 🤣🤣😇
Probably. This site does enlighten my mood. Gives me a reason to check in to see what others are up to and can I contribute, offer sympathy, or if I'm manic then make others laugh at my ranting spouts of lunacy. Just looked it up to be sure but "irreverent" is a form of satire; among other meanings. I believe we're covered under the Monty Python Exclusion for using satire instead of disrespect or criticism. (Let's see how that flies. Ha!) It's all in the wording, not necessarily the phrasing. Though phrasing is the trigger for the humor. I'll await the ruling from the Hague and International Court of Justice.
Change your phone number asap. This is harrassment. No one should ever ever live in fear bc of this. So many hurtful people in this world. Stay away and disengage. Done.
I am considering this. Hoping the calls will stop before I have to. Recently a number of cars on my street were broken into. My neighbor started a fb group and I put a post on there about the call. I also directly contacted several neighbors I trust and have known since childhood. I live on a dead end street but it's approximately a quarter mile long. The neighbors I contacted live farther up the road than I do and are paying close attention when they drive past my house. The lots here must be a minimum of 1/3 of an acre but my neighbors next store are quite close to me. Both of our homes are set back from the street. They also keep a very close eye on my house. I am blessed to have neighbors who watch out for each other.
Just some very weird coincidences there. Do what u can to change it
Definitely trying
Hello Mrspjsmom I know some parts of America are rough as anything. Especially Baltimore lately. I am from UK and visited Detroit Michigan it was a eye opener seeing block after block run down such a shame I went past Henry Fords Home and stopped by and saw the Home Of Mowtown. Also have distant relatives in Brooklyn New York.
There are many areas in many states that need help. I live in upstate New York in the same area my husband and I grew up in. It's sad seeing closed businesses and empty buildings but at the same time there is a wonderful sense of community here. Several of the neighbors I contacted to check for anything suspicious when they drive past my house are people we went to school with and have known for almost 50 years. 😥
hello pjsmom yes it is very sad seeing some parts of America like that in total neglect we have some places like that in the uk too very rundown and neglected I think between peoples attitude and politicians they contribute to the decline that and where most shopping is online now don't help iether.
It's good you keep the alarm on. My alarm system also has an app on my cell phone. That may be worth looking into.
What is wrong with people? I am so sorry. I would be shaken up too. What does your husband say? It's good that you went to the police. I'm sure it was just some idiot prank calling but let the police know of any other weird calls. I hope you feel better <3
Thanks. My husband is concerned and told me to be careful but not paranoid. I am slowly starting to calm down. Glad I have a dog and an alarm system.
I am so glad you posted. I’m glad you shared.
When the phone rings close your eyes and take deep breaths. With your eyes closed and the phone ringing move your eyes from side to side like you’re watching a tennis match. Keep your breathing even. This is a form of EMDR. This helps reduce anxiety and the problem that causes it.
People who do this tend to move on when they can’t bother you. I only worry about you.
Sending you strength and peace.
disgusting and shocking I doubt its a voice you recognise ex directory will help along with caller id as others have suggested.
I think the phone company (in the days before cell phones) used to deal with harassment calls. I think they were illegal. This took place on a landline. Have you tried calling the phone company and telling them? See if they have any options?
A friend told me I can try checking with the FCC. They have the authority to have my phone company find out what the blocked number was. Right now I just want to stop literally jumping when my phone rings day or night. If I recieve another call I will call 911 immediately and follow up with the FCC.
No phone calls for two nights in a row. I actually slept last night. I want to thank everyone for your suggestions and support. Also thank you for making me smile. For the first time since this started I feel like I will be ok. I raised two children in this house. It has been my home for more than 31 years. And the entire time I have lived here my husband has worked the night shift. I will not let someone with a very sick mind and an undescribable cruel streak take away my peace of mind.
No suggestions but I would be well freaked out as well. Sending hugs
I dont have any useful suggestions but I would totally freak out if that happened to me. I hope whoever is doing it soon gets bored and leaves you alone.