I've been seeing someone for a month now..they were insecure but I held them tight in my arms every night and reassured I love them... everyday I travelled to see this person cause if I didn't they thought I didn't love them..she told me not to ever leave her..I said I won't..leaving my issues aside, they slowly crawled into the relationship..I started getting insecure..only and only because I was falling in love with her..last night we were together..someone rocked up her place..I said who is he?...I took her home so she can be with him..I messaged her good night..I saw my message had not been seen...in the morning I called her and my number has been blocked..I message her on the apps but they are not being delivered..ive been next to my phone all day but no sign of her...im just sitting alone obviously at the beach..aI am shattered..not heart broken, but really sad..my esteem which I never had anyway is now non existent..I take full responsibility..I am not well myself so how can I be good for anyone else..this illness has stolen everything from me..I'm sorry, I just needed to talk to someone..thanks in advance for listening..
Blocked..: I've been seeing someone for... - Anxiety and Depre...
Maybe her phone was lost or stolen and she had it turned off?
Maybe something is wrong with her phone. Do you have access to another phone that you can try to reach her on?
Yes...she has three phones..on all three she blocked me...are you feeling any better?..in coming night here and I'm terrible..
I’m pigging out on candy & eating my feelings. I’ve cried a bucket load of tears & my head is killing me. But I’m alive. Wanna talk? We can be miserable together.
I've held back my tears...I'm one that bottles up inside..suns gone down here...yeah, I'm imagining you next to me..just comforting eachother..
I’m so sorry. <3 I’m here for you.
Don't be sorry..I'm glad you are here with me..rest on my shoulder if you want..I can hear you chewing in my ear..
Haha! Totally! That made me laugh.
Hehe..I haven't eaten all day..so you can eat for me aswell..big hug..
You need to eat! Hugs back! <3
Anyone would be so lucky to have you in their life. You are such a special soul. I’m so sorry that is seems she blocked you. Her loss. ❤️
She kept telling me she's lucky to have someone like me in her life..I have no clue what happen to her..I'll wait if I hear from her tomorrow..

She was right dhe was lucky so now I wonder what is happening with her as you did a great job to express to her that you love her. I wonder who the other guy is. I believe you were good for her. Sounds it.
We take such a risk when we put our emotional trust in the hands of others. No risk, no reward. That is ok, but then we need to find a perspective that allows us to value the risk.
What happened was obviously not about you, but the short relationship did serve you in some ways. Look for some positives and know that “right now everything in your life is exactly as it is meant to be”. You may not know why this is the case, but I assure you that it is true.
Thank yourself for being courteous enough to take these risks, and grow to live through them in the future.
Thanks gerg..yeah, everything is exactly as it is meant to be...
I'm kind of lost here....trying to understand....who was knocking at the door, and who was this guy you took her over to be with if she was with you?....
all that aside.... if this person is the one they are with usually, and you were there when this gal needed someone, is it possible she went back with this person and now has been told they can't be in contact with you.....I'm just shootin in the breeze here cause I am not quite understanding ....forgive me if I got this wrong.
Sorry,..I picked her up from home and we were going for a drive..a message came through her phone...she told me it was some male friend visiting her...I asked her if she wanted me to take her back home..she said yes..so I did..
Hi wishing you well.
Thanks starlight..back under my shell I go..hope you are well too.

I feel like going into my shell too and I’ll miss ya.
That is dredful. I feel like this girl was extremely demanding of you and the effort from the start was one sided as you always had to go visit her. I have felt not good enough always also. It's not you though it's them and to me it sounds like you dodged a bullet early on. I'm just thankful for you that things didn't become more serious before true colours came out .
Thank you..yes your right re true colours..
I understand you completely. All the effort you put into someone and then they end up showing you they were not worth any of it. I read somewhere 'it never does stop hurting right? Giving your all to someone and watching them choose someone else?' #together in the same mess.