My therapist says I’m depressed (I agree) but my question is this. Is there a truly objective test for depression or are they all subjective?
Question about depression : My... - Anxiety and Depre...
Question about depression

Hi, there's symptoms and a way to diagnose, the DSM tells all about
Thanks I do appreciate it however the testing seems to be Subjective I was just wondering if there was an objective test
It's based on observations of behavior and feelings, that's doesn't mean that's not objective, feelings are biological, in depression you maybe laking a few neurotransmitters. But I understand your concern, it's helpful to ready the symptoms by yourself. I have the DSM book but it's in Portuguese, I'm going to translate for you.
All down to how you present yourself and the problems you have
Generally is a person has five or more worries, that may present as depression. The problem is you need to address your problems and concerns, also learn how to relax

For standard definition there is the DSM but in how a person experiences psychological and physical symptoms, this is very individual combination and mental health professional is the best person to help on the journey to recovery. Fellow travellers are family and friends and doing so in your time. Of course the community here travels with you through the good and bad times