Do you think anxiety can cause depression?What are your thoughts on that.
Anxiety and Depression Question - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and Depression Question

Hi Italianmomma
Yes I do think anxiety can cause depression over time. When I was experiencing panic attacks regularly, the amount of adrenaline produced in the fight or flight moments, the constant fighting against it, was exhausting and frustrating, leading me to become pessimistic and feeling there was never going to be genuine peace in my life. That put me in a vulnerable state of wondering how long I could go on with that level of fear/anticipation and would I be strong enough to survive it for the rest of my life.
I was fortunate in that I did learn how to stop fighting and fearing the attacks. Life is much better now. While never diagnosed with depression, I can imagine how if I’d not been given the right tools, education, and therapy, it would have been easy to fall into a depressive state and want to just give up.
Hi Charlie,Sorry to hear about your panic attacks. They can be scary.
I was diagnosed only with anxiety. That's bad enough. Ugh. I sometimes get so frustrated having it. I wish there was a cure. It is manageable. Through meditation and Yoga and exercise and a good healthy diet it seems like it's gotten better. And Prayer. Thank God.
It was great hearing from you.
Thanks for your reply.😊
You’re very welcome. It sounds like you’re taking the right steps to manage your anxiety. Here’s a video I related to. It’s about how anxiety can drive us to be avoidant (which I saw myself beginning to do) and that’s one of the ways it can lead to depression. As long as we’re self aware and use our tools, continue to educate ourselves, we have better odds of it not escalating into depression. xx
Best to you and keep up the good work. 👍
Oh Absolutely.
Anxiety is like, trying to lift something that is too heavy to hold, continuously. Like if you lifted a weight, until your muscles gave out, and then you just held that weight. The longer you hold it the more of a problem it's becoming.
Depression is a completely normal result to being forced to carry something that is too heavy for far too long.
Anxiety and depression are closely linked. Working on anxiety will help depression. 6 weeks of walking 30mins/day has been shown to be as effective or better than medication. Walking in nature, mindfulness, CBT are all helpful for anxiety and depression.
It's interesting how you compare the two BigCatSkills. To me it sounds like depression would be harder to deal with and harder to manage. Correct me if I'm wrong since I only have anxiety.
NorwegianWood,I have a friend that walks everyday and he told me that it cured his depression.
I've heard about CBT also being very effective. Do you need a doctor to do CBT?
Or is it something that I can do on my own?
Hello Italian momma,I truly believe the 2 are tied,when you have anxiety surely can cause or worsen depression,because where not functioning properly,I'm living proof....try YouTube for relaxation music,play constant N turn off the TV....
Speaking from my personal experience, having both anxiety and depression is like a vicious cycle. When my symptoms are bad, leaving the house makes me very anxious, so I tend to stay home more, which makes me more depressed, which makes me feel like I need to get out of the house more, which makes me more anxious, and on and on and on. It is literally the worst.
I can understand that. There's times when I don't want to go anywhere or do anything.
I push myself alot to get out. And I do feel alot better when I do. Even if you can get out to take a walk it will help.
Maybe start out slow going for a short walk and then little by little go alittle farther.
The fresh air and nature will help.
I believe exercise is very important and it does help. Eating a good diet for me too helps.
Staying hydrated also.
Good luck and I hope your able to enjoy the outdoors.
Thank you for your comment.
Hi Italianmomma,
I do believe anxiety and depression are linked. I have suffered from both and when I have had depression, it usually is always accompanied by significant anxiety to the point that I cannot sleep and it affects my ability to think, to concentrate, and my short-term memory. My understanding from my reading and research is certain people with depression have a high anxiety component. Others do not, and for example, just want to sleep all the time, and are able to. My difficulty sleeping has always preceded the onset of depression. With my first major depressive disorder, one psychiatrist I went to diagnosed my illness as anxiety and prescribed anxiety medication, which allowed me to sleep, but did nothing for my depression. I went to a different psychiatrist who made the diagnosis of depression. I hope this helps.
Hi Moviemaniac
I believe too they have some connection.
My anxiety I noticed when it's bad it's hard for me to concentrate. I get very anxious.
My sleeping is good. I do get up once a night to use the restroom. That's because I drink alot of water before and after my work out.
I'm glad you were able to get the right diagnosis. Sometimes it takes getting more than one opinion. You were smart to get a second opinion.
Thanks for your reply.
Cause it? IDK but in my case they have always been a package deal. Attacking one is attacking the other. The only thing for me that works is exercise. My conditions have been super drug resistant. Nothing has ever been easy dealing with those two evil twins
Hi Slingblade
Sorry to hear that you have them both.
I hear that they do go hand and hand.
I exercise also. Seems like it helps alot. Walking I hear helps alot. I go to the gym and also have a yoga class that I enjoy.
They are two evils that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I have one of the evils. Anxiety and that's bad enough.
Thanks for your reply.