Basically over the past few months once or twice my vision has gone all weird and blurred for example it’s like I’m looking through a window with that bumpy kind of glass but I can see around me it’s just when I try to see something in front of my face I can’t see it I don’t understand why it happens but when it does it totally freaks me out however after after sitting in the dark it usually goes off. Has anyone else had anything similar?
I’m really freaked out about my visio... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m really freaked out about my vision help !

Hi I have also had something with my vision but for me it happens like once a month I start seeing like a zigzag line on the corner of my eye and it lasts like for 10 minutes then it goes away but it also makes my anxiety worse and makes me freak out
I’m so sorry to hear you have this too mine is like when you look into a light for too long but instead of dark spot it’s like a glassy sparkling.
Please see an eye doctor immediately.
I think that you should make an appointment with an Optician. You could have an underlying cause that's causing your eyes to go like that.
Better safe than sorry.
Hope things go okay for you. 😊.
Thank you for your reply I’m making an appointment thank you I thought it would be best too thank you for your reply again so you don’t think it’s much to worry about?
I dont know if it's anything to worry about. But I'm glad you're gonna have your eyes checked out by an Optician.
If they think you have anything to worry about, they can arrange for you to be seen in the eye clinic at the hospital. About 15 years ago, we were on holiday ,on the beach sunbathing and i thought there were a lot of fly's in front of me. Well I was waving my hand in front of my eyes and my Husband said ( What are you doing ?? )
I told him the fly's were getting on my nerves. BUT there wasn't any fly's or anything else flying around..I felt a right nutter. But I was also worried about it because it was like that for the last 8 days of our holiday.
Anyway when we got home i went to the Opticion, the fly's were still there, but not quite so bad. The Opticion said that there was something going on there and made me an appointment with the EYE CLINIC at our Local Hospital because he thought i might have had a Detatched Retina. Well as luck happened it wasn't a DETATCHED RETINA, apparently i had a very, very, tiny leak of fluid that had come from the back of the eye, which they sorted out for me ,they also gave me some eye drops to use,I had to wear an eye patch for a while( Ive forgot what they call the condition ). I still have the information form that they gave me,
Things that i have to look out for, Sometimes, not very often.I get like a cobweb across half of my eye.
It tells me on the form that if i get cobwebs across the eye that lasts for a couple of days i have to go straight back to the Eye Hospital. Fingers crossed 🤞 i don't get it very often.
But if i hadn't of gone to the Opticions
I could have been in a lot of trouble with my eye..
When you've seen the Opticion you'll probably feel much better and a lot less anxious .
Keep in touch. Let us know how you get on. Take Care 😊
sounds like blood pressure, no?
eyes are full of small bloodvessels
when person has high bp, which is normal at stress, and i assume you have anxiety?, the vessels may press against the eye and make you see blurry.
are you overall healthy and fit?
check with a family doc
This happened to me as well, except the corner of my left eye , when I tried to look left, it was like I was looking underwater. I was on my phone doing crosswords for about 3-4 hours that day. So try to take a break from your phone and put it on night vision so it’s a little darker. I haven’t had that prob since
Please see your ophthalmologist or optometrist immediately. (An optician only makes eyeglasses; they can't diagnose eye disease.) Your vision to too important to ignore.

An Optician doesn't only make eye glasses Although they can't diagnose eye disease. . They can detect if there is anything not quite right there. Then contact the Eye Hospital straight away. Much quicker than waiting for an appointment with an Ophthalmologist.or an Optometrist. I was sorted out within 24 hours..
What your experiencing is called a visual or ocular migraine. I’ve had them for awhile. They aren’t dangerous and there is nothing wrong with your eyes.
Thank you for your reply soo so helpful and actually relaxed me quite a bit to know it most likely isn’t serious thank you again
It sounds like an occipital migraine. Please see your doc. ❤️I get them too. Always made me feel more anxious but It’s probably normal because they also make you feel nauseous and kind of disoriented it’s pretty harmless but have your doc check you out anyways
Please follow up with an eye specialist. I don’t know what it is. As an aside, we should all know the symptoms of a detached retina and you can find those on line. That is an emergency! And it warrants immediate attention.
Several years ago I started having ocular migraines. The vision in my right eye would get very blurry then I couldn't see anything out of that eye for 5 to 10 minutes. I was terrified and got an appointment with my eye doctor. They wanted me to wait several months but after some crying and insistence they squeezed me in. He checked my eye to make sure there was nothing psychological and had me follow up with my neurologist. I have had migraines since I was a child. Now with the ocular migraines one of two things happen. It gets better and I can see again or I get a full blown migraine. Please make an appointment for an eye exam, especially if you wear glasses. Also please mention it to your primary care provider and your therapist. It could be any number of things. Good Luck.