another post I’m really sorry - Anxiety and Depre...

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another post I’m really sorry

Daisy425 profile image
26 Replies

I’m so sorry for all of these posts. I know this seems so dumb and ridiculous. It’s just a good outlet for me whenever I have an anxious thought. I apologize for all the content. I can’t even explain how I feel right now. It’s almost like a sense of doom. Like I’m going to go on this ship and be sick and confined in a cabin in the middle of no where throwing up, which I haven’t thrown up in about 10 years.

I’m having a hard time with my anxiety and I think I’m feeling the physical affects. I haven’t eaten a ton today just a smoothie with protein powder and two granola bars. I’m extremely shakey. I think because of the lack of food.

I feel pathetic and like this cruise is going to be a really hard seven days for me. I don’t know how to stop feeling anxious about it.

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Daisy425 profile image
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26 Replies
gajh profile image

I hope it is helping at least a little bit to talk with us. Remember you can talk to us while you are on the cruise too.

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to gajh

It helps so much. I am paying to have wifi while I’m at sea

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to Daisy425

Well it will be wonderful to get updates from you while you are on the cruise. I am so proud of you for doing this cruise.

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to gajh

Part of me is unsure if i will go through with it once tomorrow rolls around.

I feel pretty crappy I think because of my anxiety. I’m extremely shakey

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to Daisy425

I have a feeling you are going to go through with it. Do you take any anxiety medication?

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to gajh

I take 225 mg of Zoloft and I have hydroxozine. I feel like I have no choice and I have to go through with jt

gajh profile image
gajh in reply to Daisy425

Do you take your hydroxozine as needed or at set prescribed times each day? You absolutely DO have a choice. If you truly want to go, but it is the anxiety that would stop you, I hope you don't let the anxiety stop you. I hope you go if you want to go. If you really do not want to go, then you should not go. Not because of the anxiety though.

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to gajh

I’m just so scared of all the unknowns. I take hydroxozine as needed for anxiety

Arymretep profile image

Think of how wonderful it will be to be on holidays with your boyfriend , you might not have the chance again, you have your anxiety meds to help you , try and think positive , you can do this 👍

Indiegal profile image

I would try to think why you are feeling this way. A therapist once told me it helps to think of 3 scenerios when you're having racing thoughts and anxiety. First, think of the worst case scenario, then what is the best case scenario in your situation (think big like you'll meet your favorite celebrity or have your biggest dream come true and will have the best time of your life), and lastly what is the most likely thing that will happen? The most likely (and what will probably happen) is probably somewhere in between the first two.

Hope that helps some!

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to Indiegal

I absolutely love this thank you so much!!! I will definitely use this

Andreapuglia profile image

Please continue to post if it helps you. I feel for you. Anxiety can be very overwhelming. For the shakes, meal replacement ones are good. I used to have one at lunch one at dinner

Madigansmom profile image

Daisy, sorry for my long post. I am so sorry for your anxiety struggles. It can be too much when our thoughts take over. I hope you remember to give yourself grace. Self compassion/self care or understanding goes a long way in the face of potential anxiety barriers. Your feelings are valid. They are frustrating but realize that you didn't (you don't) cause them. It's not your fault; you have done nothing wrong. Sometimes making room for the (irritating, uncomfortable) feelings helps to let them pass through Rather than try to stuff the anxiety down or try to control it, just let it happen. "Make room for it..." so that those jitters, nausea, racing thoughts can flow freely through you....and dissipate. It sounds odd to let anxiety happen. But, perhaps think of yourself as "mesh." Racing thoughts, concerns, discomforts might seep in, but try to let them pass through and seep out rather than getting trapped in your mind and body. Anxiety is unpleasant, but it doesn't have to stay. Rather than fight against it (natural instinct), let it through your body and into the air. Remember, the primitive, instinctive human reactions are fight or flight. Anxiety is our mind/body's perception of a threat. It's a normal physical reaction. The "abnormal" part is the level of this biological and chemical response. Day to day worries don't warrant the level of (biological) protective reactions that happen in the body. Primitively, these reactions helped early humans escape danger or fight off physical threats in their surroundings. The cruise, the anticipation of the unknowns, the concern about being locked/trapped in the small cabin, etc, those are normal thoughts. However, our instincts kick in to protect us from "the unknowns." And because we were "wired" to fight off predators, or to run for escape for survival, there's "nowhere " for all of the cortisone and adrenaline to it becomes "stuck" in our gut, muscles, physiology. Hence the shakiness, increased breathing, heart rate,nausea, spinning thoughts, etc. Don't scold yourself for having worried. It's your instinctive response to what is unknown. In the moment, you can repeat something like, "I am safe. I feel these physical reactions but they will flow through me." The physical responses will be less intense with every exhale you take. Let the angst pass through the mesh of your skin. Remember, self - compassion. No threats, just primitive instincts that come and go. 😊 Good luck.

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to Madigansmom

Thank you so much for this it was very helpful. I’m just so exhausted but when I try to sleep my mind recess I am so scared bc j keep reading things online trying to find the weather forecast and it seems like the seas might be rough. I also haven’t eaten a ton because I have a nervous belly

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to Madigansmom

I may go splash some cold water kn my neck and try to sleep

MaggieSylvie profile image

Hi Daisy, It is unlikely that you are the only passenger with anxiety and sea-sickness! What happened the last time you were on a cruise? How long did the sickness last? I'll better it was only the start of the cruise, or whenever you hit a bit of a swell. Then you would not have been alone in hiding in your cabin until it passed. If this doesn't help, what will? Once you know you can't go back you will enjoy it. How lucky you are to be taken on a cruise!

Daisy425 profile image
Daisy425 in reply to MaggieSylvie

I’m so nervous. I don’t remember feeling sea sick the last time I went on a cruise, but I keep reading things online and seeing videos of waves

MaggieSylvie profile image

It's called self sabotage! Just stop it! You don't need to frighten yourself unnecessarily. If you don't remember feeling sea sick last time, it can't have been so bad.😀😀

Mark1499 profile image

l don’t think anyone can begin to understand what you are going through. I can say that I will pray for you, and will do every night!

designguy profile image

Don't know if anyone has recommended this to you before but you might check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtubes about what anxiety/panic really is and how to constructively deal with it in order to heal and get on with your life. Another good resource is Emma at Therapy in a Nutshell, she has a really good website and youtube videos, you might also check out Paige Pradko who also has a really good website and youtube videos. i found medication helped reduce my anxiety but I didn't start making progress until I educated myself about it and changed my relationship to it.

Tracey0101 profile image

We all hear you and feel your pain and struggles and it's OK to be in this cruise at the moment we are all listening to you and are here for you.

Tracey0101 profile image

I felt really sad and depressed today so I decided to go out and I went to subway for a coffee and chocolate cookie and I gave 2 members of staff an initial of their names for nothing just give them love and I didn't expect anything back but one member of staff paid for my coffee and cookie. It moved me and lifted my mood out of from being sad and so depressed I felt that I needed love and I needed to give love to others I felt that the world needs love. The staff appreciated because I said that they do a amazing job and they appreciated it being said by me. I do colouring letters because I started colouring letters April 2023 and I relized that I have a purpose by doubt my colouring as I have always loved colouring since a very young child but I felt no one appreciated my colouring when I was a child. How wrong I was I just needed the right people in my life to say that they appreciate my colouring and say how good my colouring is and I gave a few children a letter of their names and they really appreciated them today and yesterday. I just told their parents would your children like a colouring letters of their names and they said yes and they liked the fact that they could choose which colours they liked of their name. I could never ever go up to anyone in my wildest dream and ask this. As I am a very nervous person but I just knew that unless I do it I'm not going to get anywhere or anything done and they can either say yes or no thank you so I did it in faith in God and I wanted to just give unconditional love to others without expecting anything back but I felt wow that was really powerful and strength I couldn't of done this without faith in God and I felt his power and strength it's really amazing how God blesses others through us and then he may give us blessings through them which I got a free cappuccino and a chocolate cookie in return I wasn't expecting him to pay my coffee and chocolate cookie for me that's really amazed me and moved me but God can do these amazing blessings to give to us when he wants to bless us. But it's through the love of God he does.

Joseph46 profile image

I look forward to hearing about the cruise and how amazing it was ! I recommend the book feel the fear and do it anyway (you can listen to it as audiobook). As someone who experiences anxiety I understand but living in fear about “what might happen” is exhausting.

copasedic profile image

Maybe don’t go

Kinlay profile image

Never apologize for reaching out!!! When anxiety is overwhelming me, I try to distract myself. A walk, a drive, a book, yoga, getting something knocked off of my To Do list, etc. As for the cruise, for me, considering worst case scenarios and then a solution/plan helps. EX: I may not be able to handle being with people all the time. What will I do if this happens? I will tell them I have a headache and go back to my cabin for a break. I'll try to meet up with them later when I feel better.

I'm not sure if this helps, but it's one of the strategies I use. You WILL get through this!!! And remember, you are NOT alone.

macada profile image

I will share with you the advice that was given in a book that I read on anxiety by a guy in the UK who dealt with anxiety for 10 yrs. I don't know if I'm allowed to say the name of the book on this site but his advice which has helped me tremendously is that when you are feeling the physical feelings of anxiety, don't fight the physical feelings, let them be there and eventually they will pass through you. Any time you tense up and try and fight anxiety you are only making it worse. Accept the physical feelings and they will pass through you and then the next time you start to feel them they will lessen and you can just say to yourself " I did it before and I can do it again". I have done this ever since I read his book and I rarely get the same intense physical anxiety that I used to. Good luck and enjoy the cruise!

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