Does it feel like like we are physically dying with mental illness? That's what it feels like for me. I recently just got out of the hospital for suicidal thoughts and lost my job because of my illness. While I was in the hospital I felt safe especially being with other people who were suffering the same as I. When I left the hospital to face the real world and all their judgments, all the feelings come right back. I know I'm supposed to find a therapist and the meds should help also. But in the long run with a debilitating disease like this, the best I can hope for out of life is to get disability and basically shut myself off from the world, except for a therapist and a psychiatrist. That's what I'm referring to when it's like physically dying with a mental illness. Okay, so I dont kill myself, I'm a walking dead person in a body that has a brain that wont allow her to live a happy and healthy life. Sorry that was my rant at this time.
Physically Dying with Mental Illness - Anxiety and Depre...
Physically Dying with Mental Illness

I have self esteem issues...and someone once told me... whenever I put myself down for not being good enough I should understand that my brain is like a child and I am scolding that child for not being good enough or not being like everyone else and I should understand that my brain child needs love and nurturing for being whatever it always help me when I think that way...I hope it helps you in some way..
You do need to continue your therapy and meds.
This does change your life. The illness can come and go for some people. Others say they have it under control.
If you just got out of the hospital it seems a little early to project your future.
You still need time and treatment.
Your definition of physically dying is odd as fuck.
Physical degradation from mental illness happens with things like dementia, alzheimer's (though I don't think the mental- part is causation, but is rather symptom).
If I felt bad when in certain places, I'd as a last resort for my own well-being opt for life in countryside. It's usually peaceful and nature restores human's feels, instincts and health pretty damn well.
I do agree that anxiety and depression can have a negative impact on our overall health. We may not take care of ourselves like we should. The brain is an organ just like any other part of our body, and when it’s sick it effects our whole being.
So yes mental illness can make us feel like we are dying inside. For me it took away my happiness, security, and self esteem which had a bad effect on my entire life. I’m only existing which is a far cry from living.
Do you have a social worker since leaving the hospital? They will help you find a therapist and phychiatrist and work with you to help manage your things on a daily basis.
I know how difficult this can be. For me my anxiety can be very debilitating, it’s a struggle everyday.
This is a good place to be, and even though it feels like it your not alone.
I agree with the four other reply's. Do Not Give Up, it Will End. I have been battling these illnesses all my life, they come and go. This last one took 3 years of my life, I told my wonderful therapist this week I felt like part of me died. She specializes in Depression/Anxiety and has helped me So much, she knows her stuff, I also take med's it has taken a while to find ones that really work, so I am back to enjoying life again. I am a bit slow, that is OK as I am 77. She tells me that my illness is Not My Fault, so I do not waste any time on feeling guilty, and I ignore people who tell me to "Pull myself together" and other negative remarks. I know what it feels like to think of suicide, I have tried it twice in my life and got caught, after the last one I promised myself No More. I was 46 at the time.
I have a gun, which I gave to a friend for safe keeping, a good thing as I laid in bed last year and this year wondering if I could pull the trigger!!! So please go to therapy, take All the help you can get, try some med's. It will take time for your brain to heal, rest when you can and get sound sleep, eat healthy, all these things help the brain, go for long walks if you can out in nature, it has a calming affect. Only hang out with healthy family and friends, find a support group if you can, they are So helpful. You will get your old self back, it will take time, be patient with yourself, become your own best friend, believe in yourself, love your self, I send you confidence, strength, love & hugs....Sprinkle 1.....