Im writing once again to talk about my ongoing battle with my own existence. Im not quite sure what the point of my life or the point of anyone's life really is. I was always afraid of dying but as time passes by, Its almost like I want to die. I hate the pain that I'm going through. Why did I have to be born if nothing that I do will change the eventual end? Death is an eternity. I will physically be in my grave with no memories or thinking abilities. I wish I could see the world progress forever. I wish I could be happy forever. But all emotions and thoughts are limited because eventually they will all go away once Im dead. I get the whole idea of "death is like before you were born". But the only difference is that eventually I was born, but this time I will die and I will never ever be born again until the end of time. Death is approaching me fast and I'm extremely in fear. Im currently seeing a therapist but Im starting to question whether anything can help. Im helpless. I dont know what to do anymore. Im scared that ill do something to harm myself or affect those around me. What do I do?
Why should I go on with life? - Anxiety and Depre...
Why should I go on with life?

Hello Lizz!
Maybe you need inpatient treatment, which will keep you safe and help you cope with your depression. I have been that route several times in 30 years and it has always been beneficial and kick starts my recovery phase. It’s also helpful to mingle with others like yourself. You need to be willing to help yourself and not give in to the thought that you’re helpless, because you’re not! You have to be willing to do the work needed to heal. No one can do it for you. I’ve been where you are many times and drastic feelings call for drastic action! I’m hoping that you’ll choose healing over giving up! Wishing you peace and sending hugs! 🌺🙂🌺

I agree with the reply above me. I think you need to go seek inpatient help. They can give you more one on one therapy and surround you in an environment that you wont harm yourself. I think you are strong for reaching out on here for help. I wish the best for you. Hugs!!!
Hi Lizz!
Don't give up! You are here for a reason, you just don't know it yet. Please let your therapist know how you are feeling and if they cannot help you, find another one! I would suggest looking into an integrative doctor too because it could be something physiological making you depressed. We all have to suffer to understand beauty, some of us more than others. But we come out stronger. I promise.
Hello Lizz: There is no point to life except breathing, dancing, laughing, eating, talking, making your bed every day,learning, listening, looking, etc,etc.etc.
We go on with life because we are created to live. Every cell of our body is fighting for life! Death is unnatural. It is evil. Not only does our body shrink away from it, but our soul shudders at the very thought of it. I think we tend to look at life through a warped lens. We expect life to be good & rosy. Instead we face struggles and pain. We become disillusioned and depressed. But I believe that once we take a good & honest look at the world we live in, we see its brokenness at all levels. But if we look at suffering and pain as all evil and bad, we only need to look around us to see illustrations of how suffering is not always bad. Suffering is not pleasant yet sometimes necessary:
I know your struggles, Lizz. I too share the same broken world you occupy. I don't think this is a question we can find answers to through our senses, medically or scientifically.