I am having really hard time learning something new, understanding something or thinking clearly. I can't even concentrate on any tasks that require mental effort. I am 24/7 foggy, confused, lost. I don't feel much anxious or depressed but this thing is killing me. Anyone going through same issues? Can pm me. Need support!
Can't think, concentrate or learn! - Anxiety and Depre...
Can't think, concentrate or learn!

Wow! Are you on any medications? I'd look at those 1st to see if you're on too much of something and can cut back. Otherwise your symptoms could be those of depression/anxiety itself. Unusual in a way, but still highly possible. This could simply be how the disorders manifest themselves in you. And in a few weeks or months, those symptoms could change and your health could take on a different look...maybe over-sleeping for a change. It's possible. Take good care of you, you're the only one we've got.
Hugs, Love, Blessings...
i am on antidepressants.
Are you past the first 4 weeks or so? If yes and you're still this groggy, you might need to try something else that doesn't have this side effect so strongly. That's a doctor question.
Have you always had some concentration problems or is this totally new for you? I ask because of the possibility of learning disorders. Let me know these answers if you're interested in getting to the bottom of this.
Hugs, Love, and Blessings...
Its been more than 3 months, i feel i have ADD. But i am sure its not learning disability.
Au contraire, ADD IS a learning disability in and of itself. An attention deficit or shortage is not conducive to learning almost anything. You need to focus your concentration and be alert to what is being taught the whole time it's being taught, not just until your brain cuts out on it's own shortened schedule. I have 3 ADD children and had an ADD spouse. Also hyperactivity was present in varied ways and added to the attention problem. I got them through school and being educated by staying in close touch with all aspects of their learning lives. ADD can get you into Special Ed classes with a specific educational plan drawn up specifically for you, called an IEP. If that recognition is obvious to the public school educational system, I think you can recognize it as such. You also can get extra time to take certain tests...almost all of them.