Does anyone else have a very specific trigger to your depression? I don’t like saying mine because everyone thinks I am faking it, which is great (I’m being sarcastic). I only experience depression when I am employed. It’s like the moment I get a uniform a giant brick of depression hits me in the face and it nearly kills me every time. I have been through 5 years of therapy and medication but the result is always the same. Job=crippling depression. No one understands that, not even the people in my life that also suffer from depression. I genuinely feel like everyone I know just thinks I’m lazy and don’t want to work. No one is going to believe me, no one ever has. I have gone years without employment and have been totally fine but the moment I get a job my depression is back full swing.
The trigger to my depression isn’t the only recurring thing. As a matter of fact, every episode is exactly the same.
I guess I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there like me? With such uniform depression?