Yesterday my favorite pet bird passed away. I got her when she was a baby and had her for 6 years. She got me through a lot and I would talk to her and I felt like she understood. She was my first ever pet. Last night I couldn’t sleep at all and I just had this feeling of emptiness. The worst part was I watched her die. We don’t know what exactly made her pass away but she kinda just dropped dead all of a sudden. My mind keeps replaying her death and everything reminds me of her. 😔
Favorite pet died : Yesterday my... - Anxiety and Depre...
Favorite pet died

Aww my deepest condolences. even though a bird cannot speak I know this bird was very lucky to have such a caring and loving owner. Thank you and realize that you gave this bird an amazing life because of all the love you have him. Allow yourself to grieve I can see how this affected you.

Thank you! Yeah she was such a special bird and I’m going to miss her so much.
I'm sorry for your loss. We love our pets unconditionally. When the rest of the world is a struggle it's so good to have a pet to love.
You will grieve the loss and it will take time. Allow yourself all the time you need to grieve.
Take care of yourself.
oh no! this is so sad. I'm sorry for your loss. Last summer my elderly dog had a stroke and i chose to end his suffering. Holding his paw and watching him die is a vivid memory that will always be with me.

Thank you. Awh I’m so sorry that happened. Yeah I completely understand how you feel.
hi so sorry to hear that about your beloved pet bird.pets of any kind really do help us through difficult times.have you thought of going out and getting another bird or a pet in general I couldn't live without one my dog keeps me going and has done for over ten years.
Thanks. Yeah I have thought about getting another one but I think In the future. I don’t wanna feel like I’m replacing her if I get another one to soon.
hey I would never see it as a replacement my feelings are it prevents us from feeling down to long and a new pet always seems to lift the mood.
Yeah I didn’t think so ha. I do think another pet will help like you said!