Today has been hard. My dads cat passed away right in front of my eyes....i went out to check on her and she wasnt good at all, wouldn't respond, then she had a seizer in my hands...and passed away. She went limp right in front of me....i bawled my eyes out. For the first hour after she died i was an emotional wreck. Now i feel down and a bit numb...i look looked at her limp body and it didnt feel real....neither dod looking at her grave....its all overwhelming
Bad day: Today has been hard. My dads... - Anxiety and Depre...
Bad day

I'm so sorry Lindsey. I grieve with you. At least she's in a better place and no longer in any pain. *hugs*
Your friend,
I am sorry. That is traumatic. I had my own pet pass away in front of me and I was also present when another individual's pet died.
Lindsey14, I am so sorry to hear that. It is overwhelming. Know that she felt your presence in her last moments. She was not alone. x
I'm so sorry Lindsey. Our cat Ava passed away in front of us 3 years ago. It was one of the worst nights of my life. Sending you hugs & peaceful thoughts.
I am sorry you had to go through that. Losing a pet is very hard.
I have been there too and it's awful isn't it. You were there for her and she didn't die alone so that was a blessing for her. x
I recently lost my 17 year old cat, Sammy to kidney disease. For me, this was the third death to me to grieve, preceded by the loss of my companion of 7 years and my 52 year old son. I had been in grief counseling for my son's death, and learned about incomplete grief for my companion, as well as the need to grieve pet loss as well. Do take some time to remember the happy things about your pet, and take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering. Time will heal your hurt. It is also helpful to me, to be able to share my experience with you. 🐱💕
I am so so sorry. Losing an animal is a whole different type of loss - as they are so wonderful and innocent. I know you miss her very much. A big hug to you.