I promise you I hate this as much as you do. I hate myself for this. I cant have anything good because my anxiety ruins it and no matter what I do I can never get it under control. I always feel like I let myself down because of it. I keep thinking if I do this or that or get this check up or my blood drawn or an MRI and the results come back I wont freak out anymore the symptoms feel so real. So real that I cant ignore them. So real I feel my chest closing in. My brain feel like its frying. So real I can see my obituary. It's not fair. I want to live a care free life. Health anxiety, leave me alone!
Rant. Fuck health anxiety. I'm so fru... - Anxiety and Depre...
Rant. Fuck health anxiety. I'm so frustrated at this point.

I feel the same way at times. It feels like your in quick sand and cant get out. It sucks I fight with it every day and it's hard. I can be in front of a crowd and you would never know I suffer but by myself and around certain people I break down. It's like everything i have tried has failed but then i have good days where I'm full of joy and nothing can bring me down. No matter how many test I have done it's always negative and it's like I want something to be wrong so at least they found what's causing these crazy ass episodes of mine. But if you ever need to talk im here. I know exactly what your going through.
I have health anxiety. My fear was heart problems and it became all consuming. I would see the doctor on a weekly basis telling him of my latest symptoms. They felt real to me but I didn't realise that the more anxious I got the more symptoms I had. You have to go to the basics of human physiology to understand what's happening. There is a part of the brain that gets stimulated when we feel we are in danger. So when you feel a sympto you over analyse it and stimulate the brain to think your under attack. Chemicals are released so you can Fight Flight or Freeze. Your heart races, your stomach empties and your muscles tense. This will means symptoms like palpitations, irritable bowel syndrome, chest pains, headaches and many other will follow. You can control this by reasoning them away. I read about it and did some online courses which gave me the power to say that's not a heart attack, I don't have cancer. If you can see a Councilor they may be adle to guide you with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Start by controlling your breathing by meditation. Hope you feel better soon
I've learned in therapy to stick with what I know. If a bunch of tests are negative then that's what you know.
I have anxiety and am a medical professional so I could spin anything into a major life threatening illness.
It takes a lot of work and focus to get beyond this. There will also be break through anxiety at times.
Stay focused on what you know
This post helped me a little today. I'm in menopause, started bleeding, ultrasound found a fibroid which he said was benign, now I have to wait for referral for. MRI. I can't get passed getting. MRI, I always fear the worst. I've spun. into a depression and high anxiety. since last Tuesday. I started on. 40mg of Prozac Thursday, using 1/2 Xanax to calm. me. down. I'm so embarrassed in front of my 19 year old for her to see me like this. I'm like a scared 4 year old. It's debilitating. I have a husband that is supportive. I can't shake it loose. I dwell. So Sad. I need something to cope with medical issues as I get older. I need to be mentally stronger. Does anyone out there have the same fears with medical conditions, is this more of a phobia and does it have a name. If there are any suggestions out there please reply. Thank you
I had post menopausal bleeding and I was scared to death. Ultimately everything was negative. But, I had worse case scenario in my head till it was all over.
I don't think it's a bad thing for your daughter to see you scared. She's 19, she can google what's going through your head...what the possibilities are. That's what my daughter did. We want to protect them but at the same time the reality is you are scared.
Good luck with the mri. Stay focused on what you know. Try and find periods through the day that you stop and breath.
My new words to myself are " cautiously optimistic" which gives me some breathing space during the day.
It's not your fault.....and I was wondering if you have ever tried Beta blockers....I know this may sound weird....but it actually put me in an emotional void....I just stopped feeling so much. I was in a high anxiety place in my life at the time and my SSRI's just were not working....the complex ones were not around yet. And I couldn't take anything that was addictive.....Health anxiety is no joke ...I don't have it, but I can empathize with fear.
I suffer from the same thing. At best it’s annoying. At worst it’s exhausting. My counselor told me something that helped me when my brain goes into anxiety rollercoaster mode: felling are real but not always true. Hugs to you.