This is Hagar with me and my son. Picture taken years ago. Hagar was as special and unique as her name. She was in my life from birth in 1967 until just a few years ago. Miss Hagar loved me and my family deeply and unconditionally. She worked tirelessly without ever complaining. She worked cheerfully and with very little compensation. Eventually she worked solely out of love for my dad when he needed caring for. Miss Hagar was my greatest fan. She called me every day. When I had my own children no one could have been happier. She would take the bus and come to my house just to spend the day with “her babies”. When she wasn’t at my house she was home making sweet potato pie and cookies for my children. For me she knew I liked collard greens. I’ve had so many adventures with Miss Hagar. She loved to go to the farmers market, yard sales, Church and anywhere with me. When I was a kid I even got her to ride on the back of my moped. Miss Hagar never learned to drive; she was scared to death of large bodies of water like swimming pools and the ocean and scared of heights; she thought magic was the devil’s work. She loved to watch wrestling and soap operas; she liked to watch the birds fight because she said it was just a good fair fight because they didn’t have any knives or guns; she was absolutely dedicated to her church. Miss Hagar suffered many tragedies in her lifetime but never became bitter. She lost one of her sons when he was in his 30s and her daughter to cancer when she was 50. I never knew her husband. He died before I came along I guess but Hagar just said he was a no-good drunk. And if she said that he must have been really bad because Miss Hagar did not speak ill of others. I cannot even begin to account for the many wonders of the greatest God-send of my life. I learned so much from my hero. Mostly that the best things in life are not things but LOVE. And, laughing secretly in church is hilarious (that’s another story)!
I hope you all have a special someone in your life who has made all the difference. I’d love to hear about this person.