I have met my lifetime soulmate in Miss BonnieSue. On Dec 24, we were engaged to be married. I wanted to announce this, in part to show that wonderful things can come from our problems too. I now live and write side by side with my sweetie. She's my whole reason for living and the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. With her beside me, all things are possible! She wrote me the note in the picture while we were just sitting side by side working on our computers a few days ago. I kept it, as I have kept everything she has ever written me. The abbreviation means 'Love Of My Life'. I am hers and she is mine. I wrote the following words to a song for her. It's called, 'When You Don't Say A Word' [Every Minute of the day, I think of you / I'm always in awe of the things you do....You care for me when I'm feeling down / And I always know your love is around....For me, eternally....The sweetest thing my heart has heard is when you don't say a word....Just a smile from you or a single touch are the things to me that mean so much....And when you hold me close in the night, I know everything will be alright....There's beauty in the things you do / It's your fiery love that pulls me through....And when the stars grow dim at night / You will always be my light....Each day, all the way....The sweetest thing my heart has heard is when you don't say a word....Just a smile from you or a single touch are the things to me that mean so much....And we'll never cry a single tear cause there's nothing left for us to fear....From now on, a whole life long.....] Miss BonnieSue, I love you with all of my heart!
Announcing The Engagement Of BonnieSu... - Anxiety and Depre...
Announcing The Engagement Of BonnieSue To JEG325

hey that's just amazing news wow congratulations to you both.just amazing news.
Yay! Congrats! ( I had no clue 😉) so happy for y'all
the big secret is out never in a million years would you think something as beautiful as this could happen from this site.
kenster1, that makes us both so happy. We wanted everyone to know just for that reason. If I make a few dozen people happy for just a few minutes, it adds that much more meaning and love to our wonderful relationship!
JEG, I am so happy for you and Miss Bonnie Sue.
We're happy that you're happy as we both consider you a good friend of ours.
Thanks so much, Agora1! You're an awesome friend!
BonnieSue, that's you??
Happy Days...Now I'm crying..
Dreams do come true. xx
You nailed it again!! That's been my email addresses for years...dreams come true...between God and John mine have come true.
I'm living in a dream right now, A1. And yes, I have cried some happy tears over meeting the love of my life. We were both happy to share this wonderful news with you!
Wow, congratulations!! Love finds a way!!
Bless You Both ~*
Oh YAY such beautiful, wonderful news!!! Congratulations JEG and BonnieSue!!! 🎊🎈😁My dad met the love of his life 20 years ago on Match.com and they have had 20 years of blissful happiness together, still going strong. I wish the same for you (20++++) May you both flourish, grow and thrive in love and partnership with one another 💓wishing you ALL THE BEST!!
Thank you so very much, Calm_mama. You are so kind and accurate...it will be years and years of a wonderful love!
Those words mean so much coming from you. I miss talking to you periodically. Sue also says thank you. You know, people were wondering why I haven't posted much lately. Well, Sue and I were a bit....distracted. We kind of jealously guard our time together. Again, thanks for your beautiful words and well wishes!
Yes, about 2 months ago. We struck up a strong friendship immediately. Over time it strengthened considerably and built up fire and intensity. One day Sue simply asked me, 'When are you coming (home)? I replied, 'Whenever you want!'. We made the arrangements and I moved 1200 miles to be with her. Best thing I ever did, hands down!
Thank you Elliott_Woods_!
We both thank you. And we agree that what we have is beautiful!
Agreed. We both thank you for all of your kind words....
Thank you, my friend. I am especially happy to hear from you. I have never been happier in my life!
Cassie is doing good. She saw the surgeon yesterday for a follow up and everything is progressing along normal.
Me? I don't know. I'm having a bad day. I'm tired.
Thank you guys. Sue thanks you too. We got a big smile out of your exchange. I will post an encapsulated version of how we met in a few days. It seems that people really do want to to know!
Big congratulations!!!!!
So awesome
Thank you. Your words mean a lot to us.
BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations. Fantastic to see two great people together. Now, you can accomplish so much more than if you were apart. Love you both!
Nan, we both absolutely love you! Thanks for your well wishes. Hope we see you atr the meeting tonight. Wonderful to hear from you!
Buea.Ti.Ful!!! Love to both of you! ❤️
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love to you, too!
Congratulations John and Sue!!! Very happy for the both of you!
Congratulations to the most wonderful creative couple in our forum family! !! I wish only the best for both of you, happiness and health. Sending you lots of love for my very special friends. xx
We love you too. I'm about to go cuddle in my lady love's arms while we enjoy a light steady rain outside. This is something we both especially love. Thanks for your kind words. FYI: There's a meetina at 7pm tonight EST if you're available. Lots of extra love from both of us!
How cool. Wishing you guys the best of luck and health. 😊
24 625 members coming to the wedding I hope jeg booked a big hotel for the guests.
That's awesome!! Congrats to the both of you!!
Hey, how awesome to hear from you! Sue and I met right on this site! Do you see that even great and positive things can come from what appears to be be bad? Sue and I send thanks for your kind words and we also send you lots of love and happiness too.
That's amazing! Congrats to both of you!
How romantic! Congratulations to you both!🤗
😍... Congrats Jeg325 & Bonnie Sue💕 What amazing news? This is so romantic. I hope you have a beautiful life together. Hugs & love to you both.🍾🥂🎉❤🌹👰🤵
You beautiful love birds! And a sweet, kind poem, Mr. JEG. Loving wishes tobyou both.
How wonderful, congratulations x
This is the best news ever! I just had to share with a few friends! I think this can give everyone a little hope that our pain can turn into our greatest joy! Wish you both all the best!!! Be sure to share some wedding photos :))

Thank you for your well wishes. Sue and I send you and your friends lots of hugs and kisses!

Yes on the wedding and honeymoon pics, too!

Thank you! Lovely to hear how happy this has made you!
I knew this already, buttttt congrats to the both of you! I’m so happy for you both & love you so much!!!! Xoxoxo

We love you too, DM. We are so happy to hear from you! Thanks for the kind words and well wishes. Hope you and your child are doing okay. Sue sends her love too!
Congratulations to both of you.
Such wonderful news..Congratulations to you & BonnieSue! I'm so so happy for the 2 of you...I've been smiling for the both of you for a while now.
May your love continue to grow.
Dump trucks for the both of you filled with love, peace, light, joy & hugs!

Hey, my beautiful friend, thanks for your well wishes. I especiallly am happy to hear from you as both Sue and I consider you one of our best friends. Gonna collect up all of those dump trucks and drive them right back over to you!
Hahaha you are funny my friend. No need for me to ask how things are going..I already know....so so happy for you guys....you both so deserve all this love. Make it shine, shine, shine today! Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!
Congratulations JEG and Bonnie Sue. So happy for you both. This is very uplifting news. Love the poem you wrote for the song too. Wish you both many blessings.
I am so delighted to be reading this news. Love is Love and to share that together as one unit is beautiful.
Ten years ago my hubby and I married. It was so exciting having family and friends at our side! I hope you both get to experience that as well.
Anyway, Mazel Tov to you both!
❤️ MZ
That is so amazing! You both are amazing people and deserve all the happy times in the world!!!!!
Wow this is amazing!!! And makes me happy to know that there is hope somewhere for those of us who don't really leave the house...lol. congratulations!!!
So lovely! Congratulations to you both ❤️

Thank you so much! Sue and I are extremely, extremely happy! Have a very blessed day L345!
Oh well done I had no idea. I hope you will both be very happy. x
Thank you, my friend. We're extremely happy. Have a blessed day.
WOW I am so happy for you! True love is the best! Congratulatons!
Ohhhh my goooodnesssss!!! This is soooooo beautiful!!!!!! 💕 I’m sorry I’m late to this party I just got out of hospital!! But congratulations!!!! This story is so heartwarming x
Couldn’t have happened to the most kindest 2 people! You both deserve all the love and happiness!
Lots of love! 💐

Thank you, my special friend. I wondered what had happened to you. Sorry you were in the hospital. Hope you get better soon. Sue says hello and thanx too.
You can be our best friend....We have small chatline on my pm. It is for long time friends on this site. Just 6 members so far. You wanna be #7? I also have 2 larger chatlines with about 15 people each. They would all love to meet someone as gracious and loving as you! What say you, my friend?