So I already woke up with a lot of anxiety today, just not feeling right.... been trying to just take it easy, then I go on the internet on my phone for something and see that a kid from tv 20 years old passed away in his sleep from a seizure after an “ongoing medical condition” and ever since I read that and read the article my anxiety has gotten WAY worse and one of my biggest fears is having a seizure or dying in my sleep ;( I hate when this kind of crap happens I can’t seem to calm down....
Anyone else get this way : So I already... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone else get this way

I definitely feel you. Waking up with anxiety is the worst. As for Cameron Boyce, May he Rest In Peace. But don’t let his sudden death make you think that you’re him. He may have known that he was at risk for dying of a seizure given that he was already being treated for a medical condition that may have caused them. Keep reminding yourself that you are healthy and are not having seizures so you have a VERY low risk of even having one. In addition to this, those who do have seizures (depending on what type of course) have a .1-1% of dying from seizures. So if their risk is that low and they have frequent seizures, imagine how much lower your risk is. When you get anxious about things like this, look up the facts. According to, most seizures are not life threatening. But I do understand your fear. Just really try not to think about it too much and remind yourself that you are not him.
Thank you for your reply. I also have asthma, and allergies and I actually been having nerve conduction studies done over the last month and a half and tomorrow I find out all the results to see if I am having any sort of seizure activity and go over MRI results, so I guess I honestly don’t know what to really think at the moment cause I’ve been very very anxious about that too for a long time.... I just have a lot on my plate, and my anxiety hasn’t been well. I do take medication as needed which is Clonazepam and I usually take only 0.5mg of it at a time to try and calm me down. I had to end up taking it after I wrote this because I couldn’t stop shaking and my head got so tensed up and I felt just very weird And uncontrolled. Still waiting for it to kick in completely. I hate this!!!!
Did you actually have investigations for seizures? Have you had any seizures before?
On what part of the body was the MRI scan done?
Mri was for the brain, and yea i did , even if they are non epileptic ones. I had the EEG test done where you sit for 25 mins with those electrodes all over your head that monitor brain activity.
Sorry for all you have been and are going through.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough for you can it? What you really need now is a good night's sleep (not easy I know).
I think I'd be asking the Consultant to write down any significant findings.
I grew up with an older sibling who had major seizures from a teenager. Seizures were called fits then and known as 'Grand Mal'. So a 'Major Epileptic'. The earlier childhood seizures were Petit Mal (our Mum was told).
The seizures would go on for a while and we were glad when they were over. None was ever fatal. It was just the way life was for us as a family.
Very late in life we found out that they were not on enough anti-epilepsy medication. And when the tablets were increased from three times a day to four - the fits stopped. So now - 'Major Epileptic - Fits controlled.'
I think there's more support available now though.
Hope tomorrow brings good news for you and whatever the results reveal that you can deal with them and get all the support you need.
All the best for tomorrow.
God Bless.
Sending lots of Love and hugs xxx
Yeah that’s good they finally found a perfect dose for them. I don’t quite know if I do for sure have them or have HAD any that’s what they have done the testing for. I had symptoms I described to the neurologist and she wanted to do further testing. So we will see!
Wow that’s so crazy. I’m so so sorry to hear you’re going through this. You’ll have to let me know what the results are. How are you feeling now? As for the seizure, did you have tonic-clonic, clonic, or absence seizures? Do you have any triggers?
Thank you. I’ll let you all know tomorrow after I get out of my appointment. I am not 100% sure if I have had any at all, the neurologist suspected I “could have had” some or wanted to see if anything in my brain could have been causing my symptoms I get. So after all the tests I have done I think I did a total of 7, and also with the mri and blood testing for autoimmune disorders, I should know SOMETHING!! very nervous, to say the least!
Best wishes for today.
Thinking of You 🌹🌹🌹xxx
Ask if you had any Thyroid Antibodies tested. If not ask for TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies ) and TgAb (Thyroglobulin Antibodies ). Also ask for Thyroid Function blood tests - FreeT3, FreeT4, Total T4 and TSH.
There are many symptoms of Hypothyroidism including Anxiety, Depression and Fearfulness.
Autoimmune Thyroiditis causes Hypothyroidism.
I start relating to other people when I'm bored or inactive with my own life. I start trying to live through other people. I hate that.
I can relate and I'm sorry this disturbed you. We've had a few people in my office at work pass away (some near my own age) and I immediately start sweating everything. Oh, crap, I could lose weight... Lord, my blood pressure was sort of high... When famous people die young, I always sort of, and this is sad, hope there was something that made sense (drugs, alcohol, whatever) that makes it seem further away from me. And, wow, reading the others...Cameron kiddo grew up watching a lot of his shows on Disney As everyone else said, I think our anxiety blows things out of proportion and is willing to accept the new threats as possible. I always wonder if a seizure is possible. I had the EEG's done and, I'm as unremarkable as the next (I took offense....until I realized remarkable meant bad). It's all scary to hear, but I hope you can take some comfort in the results you've received from your own tests and results. Very sad to hear of that guy's passing
That's too bad for that young man, my ex-sister inlaw died from a seizure. It happens and it's rare unless you have epilepsy which could be on a daily basis. I sometimes wish I would like to die in my sleep. You need to distract yourself and get counseling. Your going to become a hypochondriac? That's BAD
Anxiety is always worse in the morning, due to a drop overnight of serotonin.
smoke TREE!!!!
Terrible suggestion for anxiety issues. More often than not the wrong level or kind of cannabis can cause a panic attack.. trust me I’ve done the research and it’s possible to help if you want to take the time to suffer panic attacks every day for weeks till you find the proper kind and dosage, we need more research before this is a viable option
I just wake up every morning feeling sad or anxious and I have no clue why. I go to sleep anxious.. if I sleep... and I wake up that way.
Are you going for talk therapy? It does help.
I wake up at least 2-3 times during the night. The final wake up call is around 6:00am when I wake up startled and scared.
I used to, and sometimes still do, fool myself into thinking the ticking and trouble breathing will subside.
First I spray my mouth with Biotene due to the dry mouth. Then I do breathing and tapping. When I get up I have to face what to do now. I'm too shakey to eat and not hungry. Spend the day on the couch with the breathing & tapping over and over. It's depressing.
The breathing fear has not gone away. Therapist has been warning me that if I don't get up and out this might happen. As an Adult Senior, I didn't follow the advice to torture myself by getting out of the house. Now I'm almost completely housebound.
I hope your story is more hopeful than mine. "Do as I say, not as I do".
I know of a woman who has gone thru this since childhood and she pushes even more each day. I sure do admire how she is able to live life rather than stay stuck. Follow her loead.
I had those fears too, it was worsened when I would see my grandpa get seizures, kept thinking oh great this could be genetic. But our bodies all respond differently, and my gramps even though he woukd get seizures since he was 30, he still lived to 92, and sadly would still get them. I realized that worrying about these things just added to an already long list of anxiety triggers, so I just accept that, we do all pass some early than others regardless of what its from. But to keep making myself mentally sick from worrying is just hurting me more, because I wont be able to at least enjoy the time i have from destroying myself with worry. Dont sink into this painful mental cycle, and enjoy your moments, be healthy, and love your friends and family.
Yeah my kids said he is from a show called Jesse sad case for him he was only 20. I know he suffered from it for a long time