Hi guys I’m currently fighting healthy anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder. I am trying to put myself in situations that trigger me so I can move past this. However I had to just up and leave a football game because I was so worried that from the stress of putting myself in that situation I would have a seizure or pass out it both can anyone reassure me this can’t happen?
Can anyone calm this worry? - Anxiety and Depre...
Can anyone calm this worry?

Just do add I don’t suffer with any kind of seizure related illness and have never had one
Do you think it is something that is likely to happen?
Yes but anxiety can make you feel and think a lot of crazy stuff
The reason I ask is because sometimes reassurance isn’t as ‘helpful’ as we think it is.
I don’t think you are at any health risk or of having a seizure.
Are you seeking any professional support for your anxiety?
Thank you for your reply it’s not a panic attack really it’s more a heightened level of worry bordering on anxiety attack
Thank you for your reply
First of all, I give you a lot of Kudos to put yourself in situations. That takes a lot of courage. That's awesome!!! Secondly, you wont have a seizure, or die, or pass out.
What is happening is your brain gets overwhelmed by the thoughts, the fear kicks in then the adrenaline pumps. I know how it goes. I have social anxiety.
Thank you very much I wish you courage in dealing with your problems as well
You're welcome. Im.in therapy and taking meds. Im finally feeling like "me" again
It took a lot of work and energy but Im proud of myself.
So you should be shows how strong of an individual you are nobody can ever take it away it’s a beautiful achievement. thank you for your positive attitude towards my panic I’m currently still trying to get over everything I’ve been out of work about 10months due to health anxiety panic disorder the panic disorder I’m fully over thank fully but I’m still so scared about taking medication nothing against those who do of course I think it shows a lot of strength but I’m just not there yet maybe I’ll never get through it without the meds
Like today’s been a super positive day I’ve been very happy with how I’ve been feeling but to be honest I’m worried about how positive I feel all of a sudden it’s like I’m questioning if there’s something wrong with my brain the fact that I’m acting/feeling positive? Did you feel strange when you stated to feel better?
I 100% understand what you are going through. And there are many different ways people deal w panic disorder.
I decided to take meds and do the work in therapy to heal and understand why it's happening and to be done with it. Some people dont go to a therapist they take meds dont do the work w a therapist to see the underlining reason & will take meds for the rest of their life. Some dont take meds and dont want to know where it's comig from, they just dont want to feel the feelings so they cope by exercise, yoga, writing, and/or meditating etc.
It all depends on the individual.
When I started to feel better I felt more empowered. I felt better bc I finally understood why I felt such anxiety. I would think u felt like that bc it's the worry talking.
Now that I’m feeling so positive I’m so worried that I’m suffering from mania like or some kind of bipolar because I feel so good for no reason at all I’ve not done anything different
And thank you for the rest of that paragraph it was very helpful
This is why it's important to talk to a professional. I would say if u have health insurance use it. If you dont have insurance then research these things. See if u have the symptoms but research good reputable sites dont fall into the trap of googling something and getting petrified over what u read. That happens.
Hi Meyer_Gdmnx, I've noticed so many people on the forum are afraid of getting a
seizure due to anxiety. Where did that thought come from? Unless you have been
diagnosed with Epilepsy, what you are fearing (including passing out) is part of your
Panic disorder and not a medical issue. I hope that can reassure you some. xx
Best of luck overcoming your challenges
One of the best ways of dealing with anxiety is to put yourself in situations. It's a great thing that Meyer is doing this.
It is forming a positive chain reaction: training the brain that there is nothing to be afraid of. The inner dialogue then says" I can do this. If Idid it yesterday I can do it again" and do one and so forth. One of the ways to combat this thing is "through it".