Does anyone take pregabalin (lyrica) for anxiety. Have been taking this for awhile and think it's making my anxiety worse. Does anyone use this and experience side effects from it?
Pregabalin (lyrica): Does anyone take... - Anxiety and Depre...
Pregabalin (lyrica)

I’m not familiar with these medications but I wish you the best of luck ✨
Nerve pain medication, has been prescribed (along with Neurontin aka Gabapentin...same type of med) for anxiety issues based on some smaller studies. I tried the Gabapentin and it made me feel awkward...and this was one dose at a very small level. This is off label, so it's always worth the shot, but if it's not working, I would talk with your doctor. These meds can be addicting so if it isn't working, it is worth discontinuing before it becomes a fixture in your body. As mentioned, I felt awkward or a little "foggier" on it so I did not feel like it was helpful. Just my two cents on it...worth a shot, but if it isn't working, at least it's one medication to mark off as "didn't work".

Thanks I am so sensitive to meds I seem to get so many side effects from them. I thinK I will try to reduce the pregabalim and see how I go.
You bet, and same with regards to side effects. The slightest bump up these days and then the side effects appear for me. That sounds like a good's a decent medication from what I know about it. Hopefully tapering down a little will give you the benefits without the anxiety. Hoping for a smooth transition for you.
I take this and mirtazapine for Anxiety and depression ... The Pregabs give me intense heart palpitations so I'm reducing the dose ... Weight gain is a big one also so just keep an eye on weight.
The mirtazapine help me a lot more than the pregabalin ... I would ask your doctor if you could try those as an alternative
Thank you will speak to doctor soon!