Does anyone else have anxiety or panic attacks and trouble sleeping ? What do you do for this please help
Having alot of anxiety and cant sleep - Anxiety and Depre...
Having alot of anxiety and cant sleep

Im sorry I can understand you☺️😖🌻 -I to am & have been having anxiety and very sad about things in life and could use some help with this now as well!
Thank you . I take meds for anxiety and usually dont have trouble with sleep but tonight nothing I do works . I've tried reading , counting backwards from 100 . I'm just at a lost
you're welcome!-what do you think is maybe causing it???Something extra on your mind than usual bothering you??
or maybe having caffeine too late sometimes I've had something not realizing it had caffeine like thinking coffee was decaf and or even other drinks or foods that had too much caffeine?? Can make it extra hard to sleep for some??
I know it's not caffeine lol . I drink caffeine free drinks like water and ginger ale . I have been thinking alot about getting older because today I turn 44 lol. Maybe your right I'm just thinking too much .
yes now as for me I know it's a lot things on my mind!!!😞
What have you been think about ? Can I help
Thank u really appreciate it!! Prob. too much to list!!!😱And don't want aggravate your issue of not sleeping though!!!
If you change your mind I'm still up and am a good listener
Thank u- I honestly am not sure where to start just overwhelmed and been a very tough day!!!😣 I think am unsure what to say almost like I'm afraid to or something??? Not sure I've been doing that a lot more lately when I've been having bad anxiety,depression been hurt by a lot of people and things I hear about I almost shut down and can't speak if they ask me or txt or call I can't answer I literally freeze up and can't speak and can barely move???
When I first started with my anxiety and panic attack I had them every day and every night. I did not sleep at all. I honestly did everything from drinking water, to breathing method ( which I'm not good at) counting back wards from 100 and talking myself out of it. I prayed alot and trust me it helped. I finally sleep etsupt for tonight I'm awake. Which I'm not happy but I'm trying to pinpoint the pain. I hope some of these ideas help.
You know I do... it’s almost 4AM & I’m still up. My heart is beating so fast & im sleepy, but I can’t shut my mind off. I hope you’re resting now. <3

Not yet I'm trying but nothing is helping . Sorry your having the same problem
I have trouble falling sleep it will be a couple hours sometimes before i can fall asleep..
I have bipolar depression along with severe anxiety. Also have a hard time sleeping sometimes. Im on 6 different meds: Buspar for anxiety (try to stay away from benzos because i got addicted to them before). Im on zoloft which works good for my depression. Also i take zyprexa,depakote and propanolol which helps with shakiness and racing heart. It seems like a lot of meds but they work for me. The next time you see your dr. Let them know what all of your symptoms