A lot of people assume self harm and substance abuse is a cry for help......it’s not, it’s not seeking attention or help. People only cry for help when they think there is help to be cried for. Self harm is what happens after that, after the stage of looking for help, but no one caring enough to help. Self harm is something that people do for themselves, no one else. Every one has different motives, but most people who participate in these actions, they do it cause they wanna be free, the don’t wanna feel pain anymore, they want something to relieve that pain. Wether it’s numbing yourself down or distracting yourself from your mental pain with physical pain. I have been using self harm since I was 12 and it honestly becomes an addiction, when people think addiction they think drugs and alcohol, but I’m here to say cutting can be addicting. If u haven’t done it..... Don’t.
Self Harm : A lot of people assume self... - Anxiety and Depre...
Self Harm

I get you. I understand. My therapist says that it’s easier to focus on a physical pain than a mental one. Find someone to talk to. Because you’re right. It’s not to get attention, it’s to get by. I’ve been to rock bottom and I fight those thoughts everyday. I don’t plan to hurt my self again, but will see something or feel a tingle that makes me desperately want to. My therapist says, “Just do the next right thing.” Kind of like the ole “one day at a time”.
There must be a way you can get medical help.
How about talking with the school counselor to find a way to overcome your home problems to get the medical attention you need and deserve?
Is there a religious path you can follow to talk with someone who is a leader?
You took a huge step by coming into this site full of strangers and ask for help. That proves you can find ways to overcome one step at a time. Let us know about your progress.
Wow I couldn’t have said it better myself tbh
I have just come of the phone to the mental health team, I told them I’m scared I will self harm again & take it to far, as I can’t always stop myself from self harm, and every time I do more damage , & consider ending it, I was told to call bk in a week, or call the crisis number if I need help, but I no if I get in that state where I self harm I will not be phoning any1 for help, so confused as to what I’m meant to do,
Lovely lizzy I get it completely! I think i was around 11 or12 also. It is very hard. To anyone please dont harm yourself. Not at all! Its a lifelong battle. Hang in there lovely lizzie. It does get a little easier but it is right there in the front of my mind saying go use or go get better uk? Its a tough road. Round and round i go with my thoughts. I pray! GOD takes care of me.