had a attack it was so long and so painful. I thought I was gonna die I didn’t know what to do other than take deep breaths but I feel like I just got myself more worried doing that. I’ve been getting them a lot lately and sometimes I’m not even sure why. I tried to talk to my friend about it but she doesn’t understand. I can’t expect her to either, she’s never had one. I’m kinda in this alone , I don’t know why I started getting attacks again but I hope they stop really soon. Mentally it’s killing me
another anxiety attack: had a attack it... - Anxiety and Depre...
another anxiety attack

Yes, they are horrible, but calm down the best you can, and let it pass. It WILL pass if you give yourself time and let it pass. Don't fight it - you'll just end up feeling even worse. I'll be on here for a while if you need to talk.
I found something called PanicFreeTV. It really helped me to understand the cycle of panic attacks and gave some very interesting ways to stop them. Deep breathing was not one. In fact, the guy says that deep breaths tend not to really help. It’s worth checking out. The first few episodes are free and then you can decide to buy more (which I did). People that have not had them may be wonderful friends but there is just no way they could understand how scary they are.

I have paid for this ... he has some interesting ways of dealing with anxiety. I don’t have the nerve to intentionally bring on the symptoms of an anxiety attack. I know I am willing to keep trying to conquer this. I am tired and my anxiety and depression are keeping me from enjoying life. What is your experience with Panic Free TV?
I am also so tired of the everyday struggle with anxiety. It takes so much of my energy to get through the day sometimes. This has been the case lately (in the last month) because I’m also dealing with a severe hormonal imbalance (that’s a whole other story). I liked that the techniques in Panic TV are based on lots of research and that they are different from anything else I have tried. I actually tried that technique of actually trying to bring on an attack when one starts and it stopped the attack in its tracks!!
I know what you're going through, it's very tough.
But you will get out of this. Just don't give up