So today I had a moment where I was sitting and my whole body had a sudden jerk and it’s now freaking me out and I’ve been jittery all day and I’m afraid it’s cause I could eventually get a seizure and it’s making my anxiety very bad. Someone help
Another anxiety attack: So today I had... - Anxiety and Depre...
Another anxiety attack

You're panicking about something in the future that hasn't happened.
When your anxious my Therapist got me back into meditation and many good videos are on YouTube.
There's also this she told me to do:
Take a pause and ground yourself with a sensory check in...notice
5. things you can see
4. things you can feel
3. things you can hear
2. things you can smell
1. thing you can taste
It's supposed to redirect your thoughts and fears. If that doesn't help there are emergency meditation videos. Meditation helped reduce my daily panic attacks...
Are you prone to seizures?
I’m not sure but I think it might happen from time to time. You might have been kind of like dozing off and your body woke you up. I get that.
I've had many seizures in my life,1 where I fell backwards on to bath taps & broke 2 vertebrae .Don't have so many now though,but have myoclonic jerks at's where your body jerks violently,because of abnormal electrical activity in the brain....on 5 clonazepam each night which help massively. ...Baby's also have these when very young in their cots,and some have fractured bones or severe bruising from this...sometimes leading people to believe they are being abused physically...which would be very hard to determine either way...until a diagnosis.
I would say don't worry as I've had them in the days as well for many years,where my body jerks violently & heart races, just out of the blue, but it calms down after a few mins ...and I don't have med's in the day time....hope this helps.
There’s a 5-4-3-2-1 technique for anxiety. Given to you ..Name (5) things out loud you see around . What (4) things around you can you touch and do so. What (3) things around you can you hear. What (2) things do you smell, pick something up. What (1)thing can you taste, coffee, mint., etc.. Practice this even when your not having anxiety so it becomes a regular routine so when anxiety hits your prepared .. ... just like they suggested but I would actually pick them up and touch them, and pick something up s and smell it, put something in your mouth taste it ... or grab a piece of ice and put it against your skin on your face..... great idea tGrete 1331 already gave you
Do you use that method also? I mentioned it above. I find it very helpful also.🌞⚓

Yes. It is. I definitely think it does because it distracts you and brings you to the present moment. Though it is something you could just practice even when your not anxious like when your taking a shower or cooking or watching tv
For sure🤗⚓🌞
Anthony, unless you have seizures in your health history....please relaxxxx
When I was at my worse with anxiety, the jerking forward happened from time
to time when I was sitting. I came to realize that it was my over sensitized
nervous system reacting to my sitting and starting to relax.
If you have no other symptoms, go with the's not harmful just an
overstimulated body trying to feel calm. The more you worry, the more
you aggravate your nerves, tighten your muscles and make you go into
anxiety mode. Breathe Anthony, you are okay...Try allowing your body
to go limp and your mind to stay in the present moment. Do not go into
"what if" mode. You are safe. xx
So true Agora🌞. I've had that jerking forward movement too and I've never had a seizure ever. I always assumed it was my anxiety.

Gretel, I also use to find myself rocking back and forth.
Nervous energy that had to be expelled . A self soothing
autonomic movement Anxiety produced. Stay safe xx
Hello Bugs bunny here say I was just on my way to new Ireland but think I went rt when I went left. I seem like a nice letdown which way to the tractor tipping contests??
I get lost once in a awhile thank my licky stars ur here gee a nkrmalldrson to talk to and nice too lots of folks get mad when I ask for directions
Ay can u help me read this map see I got Parkinson’s last week hitting my heD on a concrete culvert. Wow I was so scared a truck would come by and mash my gunnel. Then it scars me that it could happen and it scares me that I get scars and worse is I get tense no cZn relate
Say u wouldn’t laugh at my long ears would u?
Silky tail???
Awe shucks I really could use a friend me being all lost ever feel
Lie that?? No I u look so composed me I have troubles getting back in my j
Hole !!
Oh well bet u would sAnt be friends with me long ears and scared of his own hole getting lost
Awe shucks Though I found a friend
Take care
Hugs and hugs
I have these jerks too, they are very sporadic but can on occasions cause minor upset and some anxiety just because of the way they can make me feel. I think I probably have them most when I'm tired, when I'm drifting off to sleep, when I'm agitated and towars the end of the day.
I put it down to meds but maybe its anxiety too - it gets everywhere
If you worry consult your doctor. You can get referred to a neurologist and they can do sleep studies and other needed test. My fiancé that past had epilepsy that he past from. You can take meds to get control by doctor.
But honest I always have switching and heart racing. Mines caused by to much energy.
So talk to docter and go from there try not to worry. Stress can make you think you have everything. Consult docter and don’t worry so much.
I agree with Agora1 . As well it definitely would not hurt to get checked out by a doctor if that will make you feel better. However, when we are under a lot of stress,depression /anxiety our minds get overwhelmed and then the body spasmed/ shifted,jerks involuntary the muscles reacted on their own because of how we feel like we are losing control. When something physical happens to us we will automatically always assume the worst. It’s not uncommon to get anxiety it’s just to aim for it to being anxious from into turning into a full blown panic attack. Like when your anxious and you shake because your worried of the the worse than all that does is turn into fear every time you have anxiety. That’s why practicing some self care tools and doc are vital. Don’t know if I told Agora1 this quote I heard goes” Don’t go in your mind, where your body is not” I like that because you can read that in so many ways. I may see it as my body is here so I need to keep my mind with it as a whole and stay connected to myself... Or I need to stay here in my body and not in my mind or My anxiety will come up. I can’t relax just saying this phases repeating. It’s a great grounding exercise..Close your eyes and repeat. Food for thought