hi everyone, i have previously shared on here that i suffer from extreme anxiety everyday. i was on 40 mg of prozac but my doctor moved it up to 80mg. i’m also on buspar 5mg. and i know these medications help me stop feeling anxious. but i keep on getting scared because i have moments of complete peace & i feel okay, but as soon as those peaceful moments arrive, i ruin it. i just absolutely terrify myself & i wonder why i’m not having anxiety & then i give myself anxiety from not having anxiety. i’m not sure if this makes any sense to anyone but i just want to know i’m not alone in this feeling and is there any way i can just be calm with the peace i feel?
anxiety over having no anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...
anxiety over having no anxiety

aww thank you ❤️❤️
Maybe meditation would help you and you reminding yourself that you deserve to be happy and to feel normal. I remember I was talking to one of my colleagues once and I told him that "I've been feeling very weird recently, I don't feel so happy or excited and I don't feel sad either" and he laughed and said oh so you feel normal ! Sometimes our brain gets used to think or feel what it has been exposed to the most. It becomes a habit to be constantly worried or nervous all the time. Maybe adding some rewarding activites that would make YOU happy could break the pattern.
Maybe medications are not for you. But your mind is strong, stronger than you care to imagine. You can recover your quiet mind, you can re-order your thoughts and reset the workings of your mind.
Sixty years ago a book was written (remember books?) that has brought recovery to untold thousands, even millions.
'Hope and help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes available new and pre-owned for a couple of bucks on Amazon and Ebay.
You are not alone and the way you phrased your title resonated with me. It sounds so silly and pathetic, but I think I really enjoy anxiety and actively seek to out even though it debilitates me. Self-flagellation and self-sabotage my two friends and worst enemies.
I understand, if I’m not having anxiety at the moment, I am still afraid I will get it, especially while driving or in public. The more I worry that I will, the more likely I will have it. It’s a vicious cycle. I am waiting for that peaceful feeling to last long enough to be confident to do these things just a little at a time. I hope we can start enjoying the peaceful feelings when they come and expect to have them each day. We can do this!
Wow I thought I was the only person who actually looks for anxiety. When I have a calm day. I'm like what's going on? Where is the feelings? What's happening? Ok this must be a joke....it's like you look for it and then Peek a Boo. Here I am. Now thats more like it. where were you? Ok carry on...I feel better; I'm used to this feeling.See I know what you are talking about....so smile and keep it moving. You are in good company😁
Hi augustine02. I get it. I’m the same. I’m not sure if it’s because of a fear that peace won’t last so I bring anxiety back before it brings itself back or I subconsciously feel I don’t deserve peace or it’s just the mind getting cross because it’s losing its hold. I journal, I meditate and I listen to various mystics on YouTube to understand the nature of mind and to connect to the God within. Sending love to you, you’re not alone x
Sorry for your severe anxiety, I can relate to that. I take 20 mg Prozac and it is wonderful. I will give a longer answer when I have more time, take care
What you are experiencing is called anticipatory anxiety. It is basically becoming anxious that you might become anxious or have a panic attack. Most people who describe this kind of problem say that they are anxious that if they have a panic attack people will laugh at them, or think that they are strange.
Medication is unlikely to be helpful because it takes too long to work. I think the problem goes a little deeper in that you are generally an anxious person and sometimes you have peaks of anxiety leading to panic attacks. You might want to consider treating your general anxiety overtime with the usual technique such as meditation, mindfulness, CBT, and physical exercise. Although these things will not help you at the moment of a panic attack, they will reduce your level of anxiety overtime and make you less likely to have a panic attack.