i was diagnosed with hashimoto hypothyroide anxiety panic attacks titanious vertigo bloated stomach i feel so bad i want to kill my self i cry all the time as i am so dissy i aso have very low B12 and VERY LOW vtamin D tried orall sprays but i get nausea now i want to take antidepresant as i was taking thyroxin and i stoped felt worse when i was taking it any body else felt all this symptoms ? is it hashimoto or depression?
hashimoto hypothyroide too much anx... - Anxiety and Depre...
hashimoto hypothyroide too much anxiety depresion suitical feelings

Hello I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Try and hang in there I know it's hard. I'm having some physical issues that are causing me emotional issues as well. I went to a nurse practitioner actually she wanted to test for autoimmune issues also and she requested vitamin D tests and thyroid and I know diabetes all can affect your emotional state. So try and remember it's probably a chemical thing you're going through it's probably got to do with your medical issues. When I get really down I sometimes we'll try and watch a funny movie or funny show something to distract me keep me out of my head. Keep posting on here to get support and don't give up! Hopefully they'll find something that'll work for you to help you... taking antidepressant or something.🤗🤗🤗

i have this loud noice all over my head and i hear it all the time and i canot consetrate to anything i am sad very sad feel weak and worry that is something very serious going on in my head
I hope you have a very good doctor and is very thorough. It sounds like there are underlying reasons why one your vitamin B levels are so low and your D levels and that you can't get thr d level up at all.
Many things can cause mental Health reactions. It sounds like there's something else going on with your body that's causing these issues I would be very persistent about finding a doctor who can help you. I'm having issues myself and I just keep pushing trying to find the right doctor to give me answers. I hope you find a doctor that can help. The nurse practitioner I went to I think it's good to go to someone who specializes in mental health things but yet is aware of that these could be caused by other issues and this nurse practitioner I went to is very thorough once a lot of blood work done first because we are all just bits of chemistry walking around and that chemistry affects our brains so you have to really find a doctor that's on board with that way of thinking and do a lot of research to find somebody like that. Good luck
I like thinking that we are all bits of chemistry. I am at the beginning of my journey of figuring out what is going on physically with me that could be contributing to my increased anxiety (so far, low testosterone has been identified as a culprit). I am tired of some people insinuating that it’s all in my head - that my anxiety is causing the physical stuff. I know it’s all linked, but the physical chemistry is definitely throwing me way off. I just want an awesome doctor that will take a look at everything going on, my lab tests, etc and help me figure this out! I’m taking medical leave from work and have to go back at some point!!
hormones play a big part in some of my issues. I know what you mean . I keep trying to find "House" that dr show ... some sort of amazing diagnostician. but hard to find one. I hope you find someone to help!!!
It has been such a roller coaster. I “crashed” hard in the beginning of March and couldn’t eat for 8 days. My friends and family were staying with me 24/7 to make sure I ate. I was able to get into a specialist that really helped my best friend and the specialist said I had zero testosterone. Wha?? So I started bioidentical testosterone cream almost two weeks ago. I still feel like there is more to the picture. On days I feel a little more functional, I get motivated to keep searching (just made an appointment with an acupuncturist that came very highly recommended because she was able to diagnose a friend that had been to MULTIPLE specialists with no luck). It makes me feel hopeful and less anxious/depressed to feel like I’m DOING something rather than just sitting around. However, this busy-body overachiever is also learning that sitting around and healing IS important work.
I am so glad you're trying acupuncture I have started to go to one more often we have a community acupuncturist near me she's wonderful. And it helps a lot but I would probably have to go every other day for it to make a huge difference. But it does help momentarily. And that's part of my other problem I'm not getting enough sleep so I think if I got more sleep it would help too. I don't know if that's any of your issue or not? But I have horrible sleep patterns.
My daughter developed hypothyroidism from being on a vegan diet and she was prescribed levothyroxine which made her feel,worse so we weaned her off it , it will take time to get better as there is a lot involved , my daughter has small amounts of iodine in the form of organic sea kelp and now she has a bit of bovine dessicated thyroid gland
Hashimotos is an autoimmune disorder so you need to calm your immune system down
GABA is good for that also fish oil capsules, vitamin a , Also look into DHEA , progesterone
You CAN recover but it takes time and you need to do good research, it takes a long time to get levothyroxine out of your system
GABA will be very good at relaxing you - it can get you down being ill but there is a way out and you have to,find d it - eat fish regularly - salmon sardines mackerel will help your depression and your thyroid
i dont have agood doctor here i live in cyprus private doctors are expensive and hospital is difficult to get appoiment with a specialist 4 months to see you i did go privatly but nothing all blood test... i had to go my self and find what was happening to me and when i told him he refused to see me again this doctor did more bad than good
I’m not sure if this is going to help but let me just relate for a second...
I also have hyperthyroidism caused by Hashimotos disease. I found that synthroid and Zoloft works very well for me. So maybe that could be an option. With my depression and anxiety I’ve found it really hard to come to terms with my thyroid disease. You’re definitely not alone.
i at the moment i am not on thyroxine i was alergig to eurothrox and is the only brand in cyprus i am trying to get something else from internet i just take orall sprays for b12 and d as they are very low and i will find someone that will treat all this health promblems as i feel so bad i want to die . tks for writing to me and the advice