My mind is keep overthinking. I feel a lot bad for hurting someone of this mistakes i made. It's in the past, they forgive me for them but i kept bringing them up again when i started feeling bad again. This special person dont trust me anymore or believe me. I even feel this person changed because of me, only around me is changed and everyone else this person is acting nicely, but around me we argue. Or it is quiet between us. And again, i keep letting my guard down to my thoughts and get into trouble. Something we talk yesterday got me feeling a lot bad, and made me fall down. Now i lost my train of positive thoughts at the moment.. I dont know what i should do. Where was i going with myself i was doing so well, my mind is in shock. And my eyes stung from the tears last night and feel dry. I know im only human and we make mistakes, it is hard to not feel any bad and move on. Really hard when you care so much for that person. I wish many times i wish i could go back in time and change everything i have done. This been bothering me and i want our relationship happy again me and this person. My mind is just so blank and my strong negative feelings getting over me. What can i do to make it better again..?
And i dont want this to keep affecting my health badly, i am trying take path of self love, keep my head up and keep going positive, but hardest thing on the list is forgiving myself. I can do anything else except that. Sorry guys, this day is just a bad day today and need some help. ^
sos i cared too much: My mind is keep... - Anxiety and Depre...
sos i cared too much

I'm not normally awake at this time. In fact, I was getting ready to get back into bed. SelfKitten, you have to talk to your friend directly. Don'f accept the silent treatment. Explain yourself and tell that person you would like to be good friends again. Maybe give them a special gift to introduce your talk. Once you do, it's up to them. If they refuse your effort, then you have to move on. You cannot let their bad emotions ruin your life too. If it goes wrong, then stop seeing this person. Try to find better friends if you have to. But, give it one more shot first. Talk it out. Maybe you can clear the air. Good luck with your efforts. Have a blessed day, my friend!
Okay, i will is tough but i try this last time. Talking it out is hard, last times it just kept going into an argument. I try stay calm while i talk, its really tough not to get frustrated. When i open my mouth it feels like the demons come out because it seems to make the person more angry.. 😥 I am told i can be stubborn a bit so i dunno maybe i let my emotions get out of hand. Ty Jeg and Sleep well.
Thank you. Remember, the demon words come out of other people's mouths too. The bible says, 'A kind word turneth away wrath'. So stay as calm as possible. Always. It' what I try to do. Have a blesse day, SelfKitten.
My late husband used to give me the silent treatment and I hated it !! Couldn't help but ask what's wrong, which made it worse. Would say "Let's talk about this ", but that also made it worse. So I finally decided when he went into the silent mode, I would just ignore it and go about my day and take care of my kids. After about three days he would get over it and I never knew what caused it. Was his problem , not mine. Maybe you could try this with your friend. It take two to argue and when an arguement is about to start tell yourself I refuse to participate in this and walk away. In fact tell Him/her that very same thing !!
I'm sorry that you are having struggles with a person who is important to you. Have you considered writing a letter to that person? That way you can plan out what you want to say and won't get so caught up with your feelings. I hope that you can reconcile and be on good terms again. Sometimes we have to accept change and learn from our experiences.